Order of filtering in Layout Selection window overrides Custom Sort order ranking on Entities
Hi, I noticed that my custom sort for this entity was not being followed on the data view the way I ranked it in the data model (image 1). It took me a while to realise, but I wanted to make it aware that the order of ranking in the layout selection window overrides the Custom Sort. This is misleading. I believe the Custom…
To apply open screen triggers using Broadcasting (B12.4)
For our monthly reporting we have a few screens with open screens triggers, because this is the only way of getting a good selection on screen. We face the issue that open screen triggers are not applied when using presentations/broadcasting. The only way to make it work is to run the presentation first, so all the pages…
First column size 0 should show border of data view
If you set the first column in a data view to width of 0 the border of the second column should be shown normally. Alternatively a column width of 1 should show the border of second column. Currently you either have no border (width = 0) or a randomly thick border (width = 1)
Board API endpoints that can identify last time Application objects were used
1. What is your idea? Board API endpoints that can identify last time Application objects such as, capsules, cubes, data readers, procedures, screens, etc. were used. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Automate the identification of unused objects…
Select in loyout
Hello Davide Giusti, we learnt that using the select in the Layout and using Keep instead of To this does not work if the entity is a leaf. It would be useful if this will work also for entity that are leaf. The Board manual does not specify this issue. Best regards, Gabriele
SocialBoard-Sharing Posts (Images and Videos) and Social Networks Links
SocialBoard, the new space for sharing: * Quick posts. Simple post, or a more elaborate iconography or a video. Maybe to tell a customer story, or to highlight a product feature or simply an action note! * Share a link to a Social Media publication. * Tag your post, so everybody can fid it! * Make connections with people…
Custom dataview options and actions
BOARD already uses the design of having users mouse over an object and then see additional options related to that particular object. I would like the ability to add options or actions to particular objects on a screen. Maybe this is already possible, but I don’t know how to do it. If that’s the case, please let me know…
Favourites to BOARD web client
Favourites to BOARD web client Can we have Favourites to BOARD web client so that frequently run reports can be tagged and accessed at ease?
Drill to screen selection
Hello, we think it can be useful to have a Drill to screen selection where it would be possible to choose the screens where it is possible to drill as we have for Entities. Best regards, Gabriele
add member to entity in specific location
Opening for Customer: What Customer is looking to do is be able to add a consolidated member to entity but specific place it hierarchy tree So if you have entity that looks like this Volkswagon jetta passat Toyota camry Rav4 Tacoma Mazda Chevy They want to add Ford specifically between VW and Toyata Volkswagon jetta passat…
Alignment of symbols in data cells
Creating idea for Customer: 10.5.1: % sign location cannot be adjusted When you display values as percent numbers you can center the value number but the % sign either stays on the far right or far left of the cell. Does not look uniformed
Images/pictures from URL in dataview
I want to use dynamically pictures from URL sources in screens, dataviews, label. The dataview could profit a lot from it - right now pictures used in the Column Algorithm can only reference images out of the capsule. If URLs could be used as a source, much more dynamism would be possible, also leading to leaner capsule.…
Dynamic ranking functions in dataview layout
At the moment the ranking functions are computed once for the dataview and only recomputed when the screen is refreshed. I'd like to have them dynamic. They should be updated whenever the sorting is changed by the user. So the cumulated values are computed as expected by the user. That would also allow finding out whether…
Search with (updating) downtotals
Currently when searching in a dataview, it is not possible to see at once the sum of rows that are returned by the search. It'd be great if the totals of the dataview could reflect the value of the search restriction.