Remove API Query limit for request made locally
Idea : Don't take query made locally - from Board server to itself - into account for the daily 500 query limit.
Restrict "Apply data selection" on "Go to screen..."
When navigating from a screen to another screen by using the action type “Go to screen…” on a label or a button, you can either check “Apply data selection” or not. However sometimes it is useful, if only a part of the data selection could be applied to the new screen. As a result it should be possible to mark per entity,…
rows & columns - control execution button
It would be great if there would be a button in the rows & columns function where the user can start the execution/update of his changes —> currently BOARD is loading every step you make in there - if you made a mistake (choose wrong dimension or pull it into the wrong area) the execution in the backend/running tasks is…
Predefined PDF-Export
My client has a requirement to export their P&L report, balance sheet report and other reports as a PDF. The structure of the report has 3 elements: Report information: Name of the report, name of the company, additional information such as "YTD view" and "Disclosure in TEUR" (position: top left). Logo: Logo of the…
Predefined PDF-Export
My client has a requirement to export their P&L report, balance sheet report and other reports as a PDF. The structure of the report has 3 elements: Report information: Name of the report, name of the company, additional information such as "YTD view" and "Disclosure in TEUR" (position: top left). Logo: Logo of the…
Option of restricting elements for selectors
Up to now, for a selector, there was only the possibility to display all elements or only the active elements. However, I had the requirement in many projects that the selectable elements should be restricted depending on other filtering. Reasons could be for example: Elements of entities are no longer valid, but should…
AutoSum Selected Range
Request for a possibility to AutoSum Selected (highlighted) range, similar to AutoSum in Excel. Example below. Condition - works on numerical cells only. We have observed that Board Users often export views to excel to run sum on a range of cells that intersect across multiple rows and columns. This becomes particularly…
Administration: More management options for all users presentations
It would be good for us as administrators if we had more management options for all users' presentations. E.g. an overview page showing which presentations are available and with whom they were all shared, if necessary the possibility to change assignments here as well. As a current workaround, we register on behalf of the…
Quick preview of the data in a cube
To get a preview of the data in a cube we have to create a screen containing an appropriate dataview. In order to get a really quick preview of the data in a cube it would be helpful to have the option of saving one or more views of the cube data as part of the analysis of a cube (screenshot below). It should be possible…
Unload Database procedure step
Hi Team, with our Customer we are facing the following challenge: We are implementing the multi language feature across several Databases. Everytime we receive new description texts, an unload of the database is necessary for the new descriptions to come into effect. Currently there is no structured approach to do this in…
Cube structure preview in Layout
In old board version ( < V10) if we go into layout we are able to see a preview on the entities defined for each of the cube. May be similar option can be provided in new version, so when debugging or reviewing a layout in screen or procedure we can get a preview on the structure for the cube.
"Refresh-Layout - Button" for Presentations
We switched by end of last week to the 12.5. Version, which brought the number scaling functionality. As a workaround we used in the last 2 years a TEC_Divisior-Entity which enabled us already to have a kind of number scaling feature —> BUT: every DataView contained a lot of blocks just for making this possible. With the…
Number Scaling - formatting options
The new function is pretty good - but it would be really good, if there would be some formatting options for the number scaling —> e.g. k instead of K or T instead of K etc. Also deactivating the suffix would be great - so just having the value without K/M/B
Database Security / Transporter
Hi All, it would be really useful if the Board Transporter Tool would consider and work also with the Database Security Profiles. There are many alternatives (especially for customers working with the Subscription Hub) but it would be a great enhancement. Thanks, federico
Enhance user experience by adding search functionality
Sometimes, when working with databases providing more than just a couple cubes or entities, finding the cube or entity you're looking for in the drop-down lists can be pretty cumbersome when no search function is available. Consider this example from the action library for calling a procedure If, however, developers would…
Extract Cubes in Parquet-File
1. What is your idea? Board has multiple steps to extract data from cubes: Extract Cube Export Data View to file Export Dataset Extract all cubes All these steps save data as text or csv-files. We could save disk-space and increase performance by using parquet-files. Head-to-head comparison CSV Parquet Row-based storage…
Probably The Best Alternative to CSV Storage: Parquet Data
1. What is your idea? Board support a lot of datasources. Probably the most used are csv files. However, with ever increasing amounts of data, working with csv files becomes a pain. Parquet files can be an alternative. Head-to-head comparison CSV Parquet Row-based storage format. A hybrid of Row-based and column-based…
Integrated technical documentation functions
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have the possibility to directly document the application within Board. For example: Entity Comment possibility for each Entity technical name Cubes Naming Convention field / technical name possibility to comment (maybe overall and in addition on Cube Version level) Value explanation…
New Time Function "Year End-" and "Year Start Value"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have additional time functions to easily get the values for year end and year start, also for previos years. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Independent from the current time selection, I want to display…
Format report in Microsoft WORD
Within T-Mobile it is our objective to report everything from BOARD. Herefor, we need to combine the individual BOARD reports in WORD to have one total report which we can easily share with the stakeholders. However, it is not possibility to have the same format of the report we have in BOARD to have it in WORD as well. It…
Formattign Text Analytic Search
Hello, we would delete blue line on text analytic search (see below image) and also have the possibility to hide the button on the right. Marco
Formatting Screen Title
Hello, i Would modify format and font of Screen Title in entire capsule in order to modify exsisting configuration with customer needs to make the title clearer. Regards Marco
Return zero values in First Value and Last Value functions
The First Value and Last Value functions return the first/last non zero value. I suggest the introduction of two functions that return the first/last value even if it is zero. The goal is to have the first/last value of the selected period regardless if it is zero or not. E.g.: when looking at a warehouse stock level I…
Display internal Entity member ID
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to display in the entity section of the database the internal ID of Entity members. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Board technology saves any selection on entity members on the internal ID of the entity…
Show "Entity used in selection"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to show in the Entity list of the database a hint, if this entity is used in a selection (like “in use in a cube”). In addition, there should be information on which elements the selection are based on. Also where the selection is set (which Screen, Layout, etc.) 2. What specific problem…
Fix the duration in the Gantt-Chart (its off by 1 day)
Hi, it seems like the automatic calculation of the duration, which one can enable in the settings of the Gantt-Chart, is wrong by one day. For example, the duration for an activity from the 10.1.2023 to the 13.01.2023 is shown as 3 days, while in reality there are 4 days: 10,11,12,13. I assume it just calculates…
Extract all Cubes – Filter Cubes by Entity
Description In Board it is possible to extract all cubes with procedure step “Extract all cubes”. It would be great to have an option to filter the cubes by entity or list of entities. For example I have a database with 1500 cubes. 600 cubes use the entity Planversion. I like to extract only all cubes with this entity. Use…
"Expand Above" in Data View
Hello, Version: B12.6 In data views with more than one entity per row, headers are automatically added for each entity used. Like so: However, if we want to have the summation going [b]down[/b], a subtotal at the bottom is required. This means that we end up with an empty header row, which just takes up space. My…
IBCS Standards
I would like to suggest to enrich the dataview and graph settings to help building a BOARD application using reporting standards as suggested by the IBCS® standards (International Business Communication Standards). These standards aim at providing a consistent reporting set for the user, so that he can very quickly know…
Subcription Hub - Export of all columns
Dear all, In the SubHub, the export of data is very useful for analysis. Unfortunately, not all columns are exported, why ? It would be very helpful to have for example the last connexion date of the user ! In my point of view, this is the most important information to clear the users list and free some licenses. Thanks.…