Same procedure being open in multiple tabs
We have had some potential issues due to the same procedure being open in multiple tabs in edit mode. No doubt it is not a potential issue (but could lead to one) as if one wants to debug that procedure, we need to keep it open in parallel to inspect some layouts in debug mode. However even when not changing anything in…
Hello It would be fantastic if we could move objects using the 4 arrow keys of the keyboard
Hide user or group name from chat list
1. What is your idea? Add option to hide user or group name which you used before from chat list. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? When you use chat with a user or create chat group, these users and group name are kept shown and there is no…
Tree object: Option to hide text block in pop up screen
Tree object: Option to hide text block in pop up screen 1. What is your idea? Add option to hide text block in a pop up screen which is shown when a mouse cursor is pointed. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? In tree object, I would like to add…
user last login date/time
For user maintanance: Board Cloud (10.8) System Administration/Users Please add a colomn with last loging date and also provide it in the Export function.
Process Debugger - Open Data View
Hello, In BOARD10.5, inside of the procedure debugger I could just click "Open Data View" for the step that I was on. Now - I have to either manually rebuild the data view that is being processed, or go into the procedure and copy the layout. Can we please have the ability back to simply open the data view for the step we…
Prevent "Divide By Zero" errors
Hello, In a system with as many intersections as BOARD (or any multidimensional database), an administrator/developer cannot always guarantee an entry for a rate calculation. Currently, the way to solve this is to calculate the rate by doing something along the lines of: c=IF(b<>0,a/b,0) However, in other systems (ie TM1)…
Horizontal selector should not waste space
Horizontal selectors should not waste so much space by adding so much free space left and right to the element name. Brings up scroll bars where none is needed.
Entity order / user view
In the database settings you can define the user view / order of entities. However this only affects the entity pane in the layout configuration! The entity order should also affect the entity order in Pager/Selector menu as well as Drill Down and screen/layout selection window.
Layout "Data" column visibility
Hide and unhide a group of columns
Add an administrator console
It would be nice to have an administrator console allowing : - to have the history of the procedures launched - to access the history of the updates of the entities
Compare several scenarios / year on the same Dataview
today it is difficult for a user to compare different scenarios / versions in the same table
Improve form formatting.
It would be necessary to be able to modify several columns at the same time and not to be obliged to treat column by column
add an option to avoid duplicate labels
add an option to avoid duplicate labels
COPY/PAST Rates from EXCEL to Board (Dataview)
good evening community, I have a problem : when I copy several rows of rates from EXCEL to BOARD (Dataview). there are some rows that do not copy and remain unchanged. I don't know how to explain the behavior of the software in this situation. do you have any ideas or solutions to help me please ?
Maintenance mode activated by default while transport operations
Today the "maintenance mode" is disabled by default while you run a transport package. It would be safetier to activate this option by default. Thanks. Karel K.
Cube description
add the possibility to have a description for each cube in the Cube-Admin section. Description should also be visible to users.
Export data to xlsx - change default image properties
We have noticed that by doing an export data to xlsx (Standard Microsoft Excel Workbook) of a dataview with columns of type Image, it is not possible to filter images correctly on Excel. I am attaching a screen (excel filter problem) to show you what I mean. As you can see, in addition to the correct filtered model image,…
Select Based On entities limitation
Extend the max number of entity members allowed on select based on. Currently when the max number is reached the selection removes all applied selection up to tha stage. Select based on is a critical functionality since it allows Keep mode on. Alternatuvely it would be acceptable if the Keep mode on could be enabled for…
Total Last Value function
Total Last Value function – the Customer would like the “total” functionality to be extended and include a last value option (i.e., the total line should show the final number of a time series). Currently only SUM/MIN/MAX/AVG/CALCULATED are available. In the picture below the total should show 3 (last value of the series)
Transporter Tool - Options to include Checksum/CRC options for Entities/trees and Cubes
Idea : Add an options to have a CRC* / Check Sum included in the Snapshot of a database to facilitate comparaison of entities, trees and cubes. And when transporter package is run (or created) report the differences. Would facilitate Pre-production go lives dry run, verification that "static" entities are properly filled,…
Board API Query Output JSON format
Ask is to update the json output format of the REST API queries so as to get column header and data in a single block, as opposed to headers in the columns block and data in a separate data block. This will make it easier for Customer's application to consume the query output. Attached images of current vs expected query…
tool tip/note/comment per column
As we are using mostly abbreviations for column headings (KPIs etc.) - it would be great if there would be a tool tip functionality for columns. That it's possible that the end user will get shown per mouse over the description or long name of a column/KPI --> e.g. NS ACT --> tool tip shows NS ACT = Net Sales Actual and…
Make Pattern base allocation & Deep Lock work natively together
Context : You have a block with data entry and it has both following features enable :* pattern allocation * Deep lockling If the user apply the pattern base allocation on the cell, it won't take into account the cell that are locked for that perimeter and erased the value. Idea : Have the option make them work together…
Collapse Groups exported to excel add-in
Hello, When the “Collapse groups” is ticked in the Web client when designing a report and the report is exported to excel, the groups are not collapsed but extended. Is this how the functionality should work? Is it possible to export the data collapsed? Thank you for feedback, Tunde
change user authentication type of existing user
When we started with BOARD, we had some companies abroad which were not connected to active directory --> so they had no windows user. That was the reason why we created quite a lot of users with password as authentication type. But over the years more and more companies are now connected to active directory - but the only…
Export User permissions (selections on entities)
It would be great being able to export a list of all BOARD Users not only with Security Profile, Licence type, DB Profile but also with their specific permissions on entities in different databases. We do have 231 users in total and I am getting at least twice a year the question, who has access to what (which company,…
Waterfall enhancement - Group bars
Hello, would it be possible for the user to dynamically select to group the small entities in the bar charts / axis into an "Other category" to not have all members in an entity displayed, while still having all the variances add up from start to End (e.g. values <x to group into one bar “Other”, so that only the material…
[Cloud] Scheduled backup of capsules for life cycle management
Currently you have to manually backup capsule in Cloud for life cycle management purposes of your projects. It's not possible to schedule a backup of capsules toward the Shared Azure Storage like it's possible to do with database backup The idea is :* to schedule the processus from cloud portal either by calling a Board…
Improve "Screens Object" pannel readability in design mode
Idea : * For pager and selector in design mode : display the name of dimension instead of object type or at least as tooltip on hover * For Tab, display Tab follow by the 1st Tab name * On hovering an object, have a dynamic and special highlight color it in the screen Why : Exemple : Users wants to visually reorder filters…