Option "Disable Unbalanced Hierarchy" should work "per block" and not on all the dataview blocks
We have switch our main entity "P&L" to unbalanced. This entity is used in hundreds of dataview. Some dataview are pretty basic and unbalanced is working as expected. However we also have a lot of medium / high complexicity dataview with hidden factors cubes, or tech cubes. In that case, some business cubes need to have…
Avoir un profil uniquement technique pour gérer les utilisateurs On Premise
Bonjour, il existe dans le Cloud Board un composant "Subscription Hub" qui permet de gérer les utilisateurs (profil de droits, licence, nom, prénom, …) mais sans pouvoir s'assigner de nouveaux droits limitant ainsi la possibilité à ce gestionnaire des utilisateurs d'aller voir des informations confidentielles dans les…
More flexibility regarding format of import file
At the moment Board is quite limited regarding the format of import files, as one column per entity and just one column containing values are required → Table on the left side of the screenshot. It would be much more comfortable to be able to import more than one column containing values, for example values per year →…
Resize Columns in ETL Tab of Data Readers
Maybe we are unique in having a field that is very long, but having the ability to manually change the width of columns in the ETL would be fantastic. We have different combinations of materials that can go into our goods, all depending on what has been ordered. In order to make this happen and price things appropriately,…
Queque for parallel Rest API Calls
Here is an additional feature I like to suggest: Consider a procedure P that uses Rest API Calls to start 10 procedures in parallel. I wish there was a comfortable way of telling Procedure P that the 10 procedures called via Rest API are finished such that P waits automatically until all 10 procedures are finished and…
Log files for 'Reload all cubes'
Hi, when cleaning up Entities and removing deprecated members, it would be really useful if you could activate logging of rejected records in the procedure step reload all cubes. Without this feature you need to manually create data readers and manually check tons of files to find out why the records got rejected Kind…
Cross-DataModel analyzer for relationships & entities saturation
In a multi data model environment, it could be useful have some centralized diagnostic functions for a quick control through all data models for some common controls, e.g. 1 Relationships (missing parent) 2 Relationship (missing child) 3 Entities saturation (e.g. that highlight all entities with saturation > 80%, or with…
Selector : Add Exclude option in pop-up mode
Currently, with a selector in vertical mode users have the choice to change the "selection mode" from Include to Exclude : However, for a selector in pop-up the Exclude option isn't available : Unlike in the screen selector : It would be nice to have the Exclude option added to Selector in pop-up mode as in screen…
Step call procedure: deactivate checkboxes to copy current selections (back) by default
Minor idea: when creating a new procedure step "call procedure" the two checkboxes to copy current select / copy back current select are active by default. I have often seen both checkboxes activated in applications and quite often it turned out they have no purpose - the developer simply did not think whether it´s…
On Open Trigger also for screens which are set as Home screen
1. What is your idea? Allow On Open Triggers for Home screens also. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Currently it's only possible to execute an On Open Trigger for screens that are not set as Home screens. 3. What workaround have you found and…
Same procedure being open in multiple tabs
We have had some potential issues due to the same procedure being open in multiple tabs in edit mode. No doubt it is not a potential issue (but could lead to one) as if one wants to debug that procedure, we need to keep it open in parallel to inspect some layouts in debug mode. However even when not changing anything in…
Hello It would be fantastic if we could move objects using the 4 arrow keys of the keyboard
Transporter Tool - Options to include Checksum/CRC options for Entities/trees and Cubes
Idea : Add an options to have a CRC* / Check Sum included in the Snapshot of a database to facilitate comparaison of entities, trees and cubes. And when transporter package is run (or created) report the differences. Would facilitate Pre-production go lives dry run, verification that "static" entities are properly filled,…
Add Folder properties / Formatting
It would be very useful to have an option to change the properties of the folders (same way as we can with capsules). The option to change the background and give an icon, creates a better welcome for our users. In the way we designed the folder/capsule structure they only see a lot of white folder blocks.
Same Data Entry Rules when dataview is vertically aligned
Hi, It would be good to be able to use the same data entry functions when a dataview is vertically aligned. An example is when I have a dataview formatted by 5 cubes with the Years in the columns I cannot use the ">" function to split the same value across every year. Thanks Jack
Sending parameters to REST API
I want to import weather data to an application. I have an api from the Swedish Weather center that allows me to retrieve min and max temperatures from several weather stations https://opendata-download-metobs.smhi.se/api/version/latest/parameter/19/station/159880/period/latest-months/data.json Parameter 19 is min…
Visualize procedures with breakpoints
Hello, during development I use breakpoints regularly, and sometimes if I got locked out I forget removing some of them. Until a user calls for help. Can board mark procedures with active breakpoint in red to allow a faster identification? Regards, Walter
Capsule Print Template
Hi all, I noticed that "Capsule Print Template" is not available in the last versions of Board. https://www.boardmanual.com/prev-man/Chapter_7_-_Capsules_files/Capsule_Design/Capsule_Print_Template.htm That was a very useful section. Now with "Export printable report" is not possible to:* Insert an image in the header (for…
Add block specific selection ability
Hello, currently with the web solution, we can apply selections for the screen and within the layout of a data view. However, all selections are applied to all blocks of the layout. Because of that, it is very complicated to design a data view with showing actuals, a current forecast and / or plan periods. Especially if I…
Unit scaling
Let the user choose if he want the data in unit, kilo or million and apply it (only one) for all the table (except %)
Link Screen to Presentation dynamic
If the underlying capsule of a presentation is renamed or moved, the presentation no longer works. It would be nice if this could be made dynamic. After all, the screen with its ID is still there.
Entity - Max Item Number to select
Dear, When building our capsules and screen we have found that we have to limit the amount of entity members that are selected by the users to ensure that the Data View are properly displayed. If too many entity members are selected the Data View can go into "Oops" (and in Board 12.1 it can lock the Running Tasks screen in…
Optimization of selection functionalities
Hello community, here are a few points/functionalities that could improve selection functionalities in board: * Allow flexible ranges in screen selection At the moment there is no way for a "native" range selection of a screen. If you would like to work with a range you alway need to select individually entities (using…
Database Security Profile - Improved UX and setup
Hello everyone, In the screen in the snapshot below, it would be helpful to add the following functionality :* Add option to sort cube list by physical name and/or groups * Create a DB new profile by copying an existing one to skip redoing all the cubes if only a few are different * Add a column in the cube list to flag…
Unbalanced Hierarchy Sorting
In board 12, the current unbalanced hierarchy function is great, however there is no option to have the parents/members sorted by your own criteria. Currently all the totals sit at the top of the tables. To be able to have the totals sit at the bottom of the piece of data would be ideal, as well as being able to change…
Confirm Board accessed source system in ProcedureExecution_YYYYMM.log
1) What is your idea? To be able to confirm whether Board accessed a source system or not when doing root cause analysis for an issue or debugging a Board implementation. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? An example of trying to do root cause analysis for an issue where knowing whether or not Board has…
Link Horizontal & Vertical Scroll Bars Independantly
It would be great if I could link the Vert & Horz scroll bars independently of two data views. For instance, I have two dataviews that share the same columns but different rows running down the page, but I don't want them to scroll vertically at the same time, but I do want them to keep the same column alignment.
Column Size for Entities, Cubes, Data readers is too small
Hello, I'm a developer and have only experience with the cloud versions. As a developer I do this many many times a day, namely making the columns of entities, cubes and data readers bigger to see the whole name whereas there other columns that are shown which are almost never used but nevertheless using screen space. Is…
Idea: allow developer to add 'trigger' or 'procedure' to the menu object that is run each time a menu item is selected/clicked. Why?: Currently the menu object is very limiting. You can only apply selection, or not apply selection. That essentially assumes that EVERY screen you wish to go to needs the identical selection…
Option to disable 'auto updating' when developing in web
Currently whenever you do anything in the web it starts to auto update the screen. It would be good if there was an option to STOP this from happening (if desired) and only update manually (much like you have the option in Excel for calculation). It slows development down a lot in a few ways.* There are many times when I…