Web brower usage statistics
It would be very useful if Board could track which web browsers are end-users using to access the application and display those statistics (e.g. 45% of the users are accessing via Chrome, 15% of the users are accessing via Edge, etc). Out of the box report, or even logs with this information would be great!
Enhancing User experience with the Bubble Chart object
Hi all, apart from my idea of keeping the dimensional colours in the bubble chart object I would like to make a few suggestions on enhancing user experience with the bubble chart. 1. Give the developer the possibility to change not only the chart's background as a whole, but make it possible to change the colour/label for…
Ability to group columns
Grouping columns: Currently, we have grouping of rows which is useful, however, the timeline of the data in columns is huge, hence grouping of columns will be great. Will help reduce time and efforts.
Forcing massive log-out
It would be very useful to have the possibility to make a massive log-out of all users (not only web users, but, example, also excel users connected with add-in). Restarting the Board engine is not enough to get all users off Board. The log-out takes place only for users who are connected with the web application (for…
Presentations Governance
Organizations with hundreds of users need to have greater governance over presentations. It might be helpful to know which ones were created. Know which and how many presentations will be sent at a given time and to whom. The monitoring of the presentations would be useful to better understand the impact that presentations…
Deny sharing option
On a reality with hundreds of users who appreciate and use the presentations abundantly, we want to have control over what they can share and what not. To achieve this, an on-screen option with a "deny sharing" flag might be useful. Once the flag has been activated, that screen can no longer be shared in any way (by…
Capsule transporter / Diff tool
Hi, 1. What is your idea? Add a tool, similar to the Transporter, to analyze differences between two versions of a capsule 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? It often happens that we need to double check the differences between two versions of the…
Allow parallel use of Board Web and Office AddIn
1. What is your idea? Allow parallel use of Board Web and the Board Office AddIn. If you try to do this in parallel (open up your browser and use Excel with other layouts), you will receive an error message ("logged in elsewhere"). 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would…
Add an 'Exclude' to the select tab of a data view
Would like to be able to exclude using the select on a data view, similar to the way you can exclude from a screen. Business requirement - We have a request to show storm data separate from non-storm data on the same screen. Ideally, I could put two dataviews on a screen with different selection on each. Unfortunately I…
Waterfall with "Switch row/column" option : allow to define a starting point / end point.
Hi team, when using the watefall chart, the "Switch row/column" is a very useful option to define each block of the waterfall through specific cubes/formulas. My typical use is a "margin bridge" with the split of price, mix, volume and exchange rates effects, a classic of business controlling :) When I build it, I miss the…
Group rows background color of DataView
I would appreciate it if I could set the background color one by one when there are multiple groups of DataView. For example, set red for GroupA background and blue for GroupB background. Thank you.
Dynamic selection in dataview selection and refer to
Hello, In some complex report wold be extremely useful to have dynamic selecion on cubes and on reports exactly with the same features of the main selection "Current date", "Based on cube", "Options", etc. Otherwise we have to create and mantain lot of parents to group items, ad-hoc cubes to store selected figures through…
Restrict file upload size by users
Request to implement an (administrator-configurable) attachment filesize limit to prevent massive files (movies, films, executables) being uploaded into Board
Allow temporary cubes to be used in IfThenElse
In Board 11.2 the new functionality of temporary cube is available to allow intermediate calculation to be made and stored during a dataflow execution. However these temporary cubes are not available in the IfThenElse functionality. It would be a good addition to Board to allow these temporary cubes to be considered in…
Link Horizontal & Vertical Scroll Bars Independantly
It would be great if I could link the Vert & Horz scroll bars independently of two data views. For instance, I have two dataviews that share the same columns but different rows running down the page, but I don't want them to scroll vertically at the same time, but I do want them to keep the same column alignment.
Web Designer : Improved selection/deselection of object
1. After pasting object(s) make the object(s) already selected. Not the one you copied if they are from the same screen. 2. When using a mutli object selection in a screen : Allow the use of ctrl key+ click to deselect object(s) at least in the left "Screen Objects" panel, ideally also in the WYSIWYG too. Would help a lot…
Remove the capsule concept
Board is now full web solution. Therefor, is the current capsule structure still fitting? It had advantages in a desktop environment. But now, it's now lagging behind compare to other solution it terms of versatility. What we need : Every object currently in a capsule should be attached to a namespace that is store into a…
Column Size for Entities, Cubes, Data readers is too small
Hello, I'm a developer and have only experience with the cloud versions. As a developer I do this many many times a day, namely making the columns of entities, cubes and data readers bigger to see the whole name whereas there other columns that are shown which are almost never used but nevertheless using screen space. Is…
Active influence of marker value displaying
Half of the values are displayed above, and the other half under the line. Create a control to delegate the decision how to be displayed (all top, all buttom or mixed(default like now)) to the developer. There is no possibility to influence the display at the moment
Idea: allow developer to add 'trigger' or 'procedure' to the menu object that is run each time a menu item is selected/clicked. Why?: Currently the menu object is very limiting. You can only apply selection, or not apply selection. That essentially assumes that EVERY screen you wish to go to needs the identical selection…
Missing options in bubblechart
Hello, I'm writing about the bubblechart object; currently, it's impossible to increase the size of the bubble radius, and also of the bubble markers. The size of the bubbles can be determined by a certain quantity in the layout; the point is that the quantity seems to change only the relative size from one bubble to the…
Allow developer to 'size' the pie, or take into consideration if Labels are on when setting size.
It would be good if the developer could control the pie size in the web like you could in the client, or if the size of the pie took into consideration if 'labels/outside' is set. Why? Because in the new web pie chart object labels don't necessarily show/appear as the sizing is incorrect..and it is impossible to make them…
Improve the 'Cube list' in dynamic selection
Hopefully this is already on the list for improvements somewhere, but currently cubes are ordered by their index number in the list for a Dynamic Select (web version), even though it displays their name rather than index number. I'm going to guess that almost no one uses index, and everyone uses names. It would be better…
Option to disable 'auto updating' when developing in web
Currently whenever you do anything in the web it starts to auto update the screen. It would be good if there was an option to STOP this from happening (if desired) and only update manually (much like you have the option in Excel for calculation). It slows development down a lot in a few ways.* There are many times when I…
UX Improvement: Search function in layout editor
Hello, I would like to share this very simple idea that - I think - could improve a lot the UX, in particular for the developer. In the layout editor, there is the possibility to search among cubes, entities and more. This is extremely useful. But it would be even more useful if it wouldn't refresh everytime one drag&drop…
Procedure : Display selections on "If Then Else" action
Hi community, The problem here is simple : In the procedure Global view, it is impossible to know if a "If Then Else" action contains a Selection or not. We must open it and click on "Select" to check if a selection have been made. Or guess it, but not really easy! The idea would be to add a text to inform the user, like…
Label Object : Add padding options
In order to get a cleaner result and respect graphic charter easily, it would be nice to have the options to add padding in labels. Padding defintion in CSS : Workaround : use 2 Labels, one for the content, one for the border. This solution is hard to work with. For exemple when you need to move it as there is no grouping…
Link hide column option to other dataview in screen
The request is to allow the option to link the "hide column option" (new functionality available since BOARD 10.6) in one dataview with another dataview (which could be the same datablock letter in the dataview), similar to how we can link dataviews for the scrollbars. So when hiding a column in one dataview, the other…
[Fixed] Fix copy/paste in rules
In the web interface, Copy/paste in rules doesn't work like it should. Indeed, it paste the data at the end of the line not at the cursor position Example : The "ctrl+c" : The place : The epic fail :
Always display list members in the same order
Hello, Lists displaying screens, procedures, etc., are not always sorted in the same way. One time it is by alphabetical order, another time it is by order of creation. Example: Action call procedure --> by order of creation Button calling a procedure --> alphabetical order. Please choose a type of display because it is a…