Always display list members in the same order
Hello, Lists displaying screens, procedures, etc., are not always sorted in the same way. One time it is by alphabetical order, another time it is by order of creation. Example: Action call procedure --> by order of creation Button calling a procedure --> alphabetical order. Please choose a type of display because it is a…
[Datareader] Show the filename of the possible files in the DataReader tabs of the database.
Self explanatory, but do not shorten with "..."
Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter
Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter they point to when used with Previous Year or Period offset Dataview Functions Scenario Time entity is used on column axis and multiple Cube blocks are added to dataview. Some of them refer to previous or future periods. Often, dataview Functions are used to refer to other time…
New Time function "Full Year Value"
Hi all, I have been looking for easy ways to manage this, but so far no satisfying solution. Requirement: In a given dataview, where the screen has a month selection (user is supposed to enter actual values for this month), I need to display as a comparison : * the year to date budget value (easy) * the year to date actual…
Function to set fiscal year entity code
Hi everyone, If Board could set the Fiscal Year (FY) code when creating new DB, it would be more useful for users having FY other than the calendar year. Please take a look ! Current workaround on Board: 1)What we can do * Select the beginning month of the FY and set the FY description. 2)What we cannot do * Set the code…
More bigger scroll bar size
Hi, I have this request from several customers/prospects. Now, scroll bar is so small on Web client. It is difficult to hold and scroll. It should be more bigger for usability. Thanks!
POTX template
For the Powerpoint Export there is currently no possibility to make it CI conform with the option to define an own template. To make this possible, this export function would be more useful for our customers
Option to hide automatically lines without values in a dataview
Context Very often in a dataview, we face the following situation: * we want to display a P&L value as a % of sales, in a separate column. * to do this, we configure a hidden columln with a "ReferTo" option on the Sales. * then setup a column with a/b, to display the %. Issue In this kind of situation, if a P&L line is…
Favourites to BOARD web client
Favourites to BOARD web client Can we have Favourites to BOARD web client so that frequently run reports can be tagged and accessed at ease?
Quick Layout for Charts
Hi ! The idea is pretty simple and I'm sure it's already in the pipe somewhere in Chiasso... Basically I would like the "quick layout" function to be available for charts, in the same way it is for dataviews (configurable axis), or maybe in a simplified manner (rows only or columns only) if there are too many constraints.…
Chat unread message notifier
Hello, The Chat function is an useful addition to Board Web but it lacks a feature found in other websites. When receiving a message in i.e. Linkedin the browser in the taskbar displays a notifier icon for unread messages on the tab or some websites are able to push pop-ups. Our customer said this functionality would…
Quickwin : redirect to login page when using a bookmark
Hi all, I'm posting this as an idea even if this should be a fix, in my opinion. But since Uwe Schlünz from Board support asked me to, here it is . Issue We have had this issue since the beginning (Board 10.0), but it's becoming more annoying as we have more and more users. When a user bookmarks the login page of our board…
Drill to screen selection
Hello, we think it can be useful to have a Drill to screen selection where it would be possible to choose the screens where it is possible to drill as we have for Entities. Best regards, Gabriele
Formatting more than one cell at a time in Web Row Style Template
row formattingformat In the win client you can select multiple columns and rows to format at the same time in the row style template. In the web client you can only select one "cell" at a time to format. We use the row style template to do row specific formatting for our financial statements. If we have to format one…
Screen Aspect Ratio in Board 11
We see an option to set screen to Aspect Ratio in Board 11. Currently it seems like the aspect ratio is not taking the top ribbon into account to size the screen area/dimensions. Hence the user needs to scroll, in case of fit to width or there is empty space in the sides, in case of fit to single page mode. I propose two…
Support Icons in menu for the web client
Hi all, to my surprise, the icons included in the capsule menu, that could be managed in the Windows client, cannot be managed any more in the web client. I opened a support question about it and Andrea Mo suggested to post it as an idea... so here it is ! Please include the option to manage menu icons in the web, same as…
Ability to copy/clone a presentation
We use presentations a lot and sometimes they have 30+ pages. Often users want to create new presentations similar to one that already exists. The easiest way would be to take an existing presentation and clone it, and then make modifications as needed. Instead they have to build the new presentation from scratch, screen…
Select in loyout
Hello Davide Giusti, we learnt that using the select in the Layout and using Keep instead of To this does not work if the entity is a leaf. It would be useful if this will work also for entity that are leaf. The Board manual does not specify this issue. Best regards, Gabriele
@logo in Reports
Hi, Unfortunately the @logo is not functional in the report builder. We have the company logo and would like it to show it in the header/footer of the report Best regards, Tomislav
Enhance the Availability of the Layouts to the Mask
Hi team, I have an enhancement request below. Request: Enable Data Layout in the Mask Purpose: Display the Entity Member regardless of its number Background: I was trying to output the entity which has only one member using label, but it says "All" if the entity has only one member. I received the suggestion from the…
Save On Entry and Pasting data
Currently Board allows you to save on entry, however the feature can be prohibitive and laggy when a large amount of data entry needs to be completed. One way to over come this is to paste your data set into Board, however as some of you might know even that feature is limited. It would be nice to see the newer versions of…
Radio Button
Hi, would it be possible to have a native radio button object to select a member of the entity? This tip is extremely useful, but a bit too complicated to implement : Radio Button Something super simple, like this, would already be enough: Thanks, Federico
Summary Algorithm NOTOTAL for Column Algorithm (Layout)
Hi all, it would be great to have the same function (NOTOTAL) for column algorithm as in the data selection. Attached you will find a screenshot. Use Case: Column algorithm calculates a percentage of a data selection. Down totals for data selection are required, but down totals for column algorithm in this case makes no…
Presentation - Make it public
Hi everybody, Situation: I have a presentation (created in Board 10.5 web version) that needs to be sent by all the users, created only by one. To expect a function like this one, the presentation should be shared with all users. Problem: My issue here is that the aplication only allows to add users one by one (attached…
Report - Save "Expand/collapse" option
Situation AS-IS: * We have a REPORT with some rows, that are divided into groups * A Screen Selection is applied * We choose to "Expand ( + )", or "Collapse ( - )" only some groups in the report. Problem: * We change Screen Selection * Now, as a consequence of this change in Screen Selection, the option "Expand" (or…
WEB configure Layout : authorize copy of block and change of cube
Hi all, Maybe somebody else mentioned this already but just to be sure... we are currently testing and explaining to some key users the benefits of version 10.5 for the configure layout in the web version. Two key features of the client are missing : * the possibility to copy a block to a new block; * the possibility to…
YTD | MTD Cumulation
There should be a solution for following problem: Currently I have a workaround with a procedure that autoselects the months from January to the current month of the year and another procedure that does the same only for one (current) month. It would be great if we had the possibilty to set a YTD cumulation for a month…
Comment on cubes
Hi all, I'd like to have the possibility to insert a comment on each cube (and maybe entities), mainly in order to clarify their use in the database and their content. It would be enough to reproduce the possibility already available for the step of a procedure. This becomes crucial when dealing with large database, where…
When ‘create report’ to PowerPoint, would like ability to adjust or remove margins.
We have some presentations with a lot of data on each screen. Users are attempting to export them to PowerPoint to print them, but the numbers are printing very small. Removing margins would make the reports much more readable.
Text Based Layout  Editor
In v11 the web interface can be a little cumbersome when editing / creating large layout (10 Blocks +). There is no way to edit an existing block through the GUI and copying blocks is not possible. The idea would be to provide a way for exporting a layout to text, allowing edit, re-importing and parsing the layout.…