Downloading/Extracting files to selected folder
Cloud, Version 12.6 It would be convenient if you could choose where you download/extract files. Today, Extracting an Entity ends up in the not accessible C:\. My suggestion is that the file is downloaded to your "Download" folder on your Computer ("My Documents") or that a File Explorer opens up and you can select where…
Suggestions for Card Object Enhancements
Suggestions for Card Object Enhancements : Request to you include some enhancements in the Card Objects 1.Date Format should be in the Calendar form If the data entry is enabled on the Date type cube in the card Object, it should show the calendar option to input the date. As of now, it is a simple input and doesn’t give…
Fix the duration in the Gantt-Chart (its off by 1 day)
Hi, it seems like the automatic calculation of the duration, which one can enable in the settings of the Gantt-Chart, is wrong by one day. For example, the duration for an activity from the 10.1.2023 to the 13.01.2023 is shown as 3 days, while in reality there are 4 days: 10,11,12,13. I assume it just calculates…
"Expand Above" in Data View
Hello, Version: B12.6 In data views with more than one entity per row, headers are automatically added for each entity used. Like so: However, if we want to have the summation going [b]down[/b], a subtotal at the bottom is required. This means that we end up with an empty header row, which just takes up space. My…
Add templates for drill down layouts
It would be great if we could add templates to drill down layouts. There is a work around by creating a drill to screen but adding this additional functionality would be useful
Turn off automatic search in name search in Entities/Cubes list
1. What is your idea? Currently when you search name in entities/cubes screen, if you start to type name in the search field, Board search name and filter the list immediately. It would be good if we can turn off this automatic search and search will be triiger after pushing enter key. 2. What specific problem are you…
Modify Power Point and Excel Extract
It would be helpful if you could modify the Power Point and Excel Extract.
List to with dynamic email text
It would be great if you could add dynamic figures based on cubes in your automatic emails from "list to" or also subscriptions
Activate Dataview layout preview refresh on demand only
Hi, Currently we observe very often that when end-users are trying to reconfigure a layout, the preview is trying to refresh every time a modification is made. In some cases, it can generate 10 or 20 layout refreshs (when adding / removing axis or blocks) that are useless and can overload the sytem. It is especially a…
Tables expand dynamically to fit screen
1) What is your idea? Enable all Board elements and screens to expand dynamically to fill a user's screen based on their screen resolution rather than having, for example, tables as isolated elements with their own navigation. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? Tables and other Board elements only take up…
Fit size of chart legend elements
The size of the legend elements in charts always depends on the length of the longest element. Thus the legend elements are always equally distributed within the legend. However if you only have a few elements in the legend with very different lengths it might look weird. E.g. you have two blocks "Costs" and "Number of…
Hide a presentation from my list
Let a user hide or suppress a presentation in hiis list even if he's not an owner (without suppress it for the others)
v12.1_Give the option to hide the dotted lines in dataviews ?
Hi Team, With v12,1, we've noted that in any dataviews, the selection of a cell makes "dotted lines" appearing (both horizontal & vertical), which could quickly turn to ugly display, depending on the background used / type of data you're showing (text for instance). We would be glad to be able to de-activate this new…
XLSX-export --> selection export with one dimension
It would be great if the option "export selections" when exporting a dataview to Excel, would be already available when having one dimension in the dataview --> currently it's only possible when two dimensions are used in the dataview
Link hide column option to other dataview in screen
The request is to allow the option to link the "hide column option" (new functionality available since BOARD 10.6) in one dataview with another dataview (which could be the same datablock letter in the dataview), similar to how we can link dataviews for the scrollbars. So when hiding a column in one dataview, the other…
Quickwin : redirect to login page when using a bookmark
Hi all, I'm posting this as an idea even if this should be a fix, in my opinion. But since Uwe Schlünz from Board support asked me to, here it is . Issue We have had this issue since the beginning (Board 10.0), but it's becoming more annoying as we have more and more users. When a user bookmarks the login page of our board…
Enhance the Availability of the Layouts to the Mask
Hi team, I have an enhancement request below. Request: Enable Data Layout in the Mask Purpose: Display the Entity Member regardless of its number Background: I was trying to output the entity which has only one member using label, but it says "All" if the entity has only one member. I received the suggestion from the…
Text with placeholders to be filled with blocks
There are some reports with lots of recurring text and numbers that change. So I want to be able to use the label field and the dynawrite with not just one block, but with many. And in between put some text. e.g. "The National Association of Realtors said Thursday that its pending home sales index fell 1.5% to a reading of…
Blur Other Objects
After reviewing some of the e-learning materials, I noticed how the videos blur the background while text is the focus of the video. From a visual perspective, it draws the eye exactly to the text, removing distractions from view. We already have a property to hide objects, but I would like to be able to focus attention…
Cube Title as a Combobox
When I view the structure and versions of a cube, the text box can be changed to change the name of the cube. This is helpful when setting up new cubes, but doesn’t facilitate reviewing multiple cubes quickly. I would like to see a selection arrow at the right end of the text box that allows a user to select a different…
Enhancement Request
Transporter package we are getting position changes also so the package creation takes lot of time and it is effecting to the user time. Please include the entity members in transporter to transport from source to destination it will reduce manual efforts.
Dataview - rows height
Make the rows height proportional to the information you are currently viewing on the screen and if you scroll slowly between columns make the screen update accordingly. At the moment the rows height is not changed when the user scroll slowly dataview.
Presentation - add a message when you share it
It would be nice add a message to involved users when you share a presentation thanks
Number scaling available for the screen
Number scaling is available for dataview object (will be available for graphs in 14 version). It would be great to be able to associate this functionality with the screen directly, whatever the objects present on this screen, and thus benefit from it for each of the objects visible on the screen.
Excel - Export multiple selection
When we select more than 12 members in an axis, these are not displayed , only the selected number out of the total number. This may make sense in the application (as space would quickly run out to display them all), but could we have the entire selection exported in Excel ? There is more space to display all of them in…
Dynamic select for Fiscal Year to date
Currently within Board functionality you can dynamically select based on calendar year to date. Numerous customers like to report based on fiscal year and not just calendar year so the option to have the fiscal year to date would be a much more efficient way to create fiscal year to date reporting satisfying both customers…
Native User Entity/Dimension
Ask/Idea It would be great to have a native database entity containing a member for all licensed users within the data model - to be exclusively used for cubes containing user selections that can be dynamically applied/passed through screens. Current Situation Currently you can create a custom User Entity and use the…
Dataview/FlexGrid – Make Bookmarks from a dragged selection
When: In a screen there are no selectors The "deny selection editor" is enabled in the profile settings and disabled in the screen options You cannot save bookmarks by dragging a selection on the rows of a dataview/flexgrid If the "deny selection editor" is disabled in the profile settings and enabled in the screen options…
Name orientation for collapsed nested entities
Hi Today the alignment is presented to the right for Name orientation for collapsed nested entities. Can you make us have the option to chose left or right. Lars
FlexGrid - Add more settings to the embedded charts
The embedded charts in FlexGrid are still very limited. It is therefore necessary to integrate the settings of these charts with the same functionality as the chart object (or at least the main ones): Some reported issues from our customers: It is not possible to adjust/resize the X-axis labels in such a way to maximize…