Enhance the use of BLOB cubes
We're using the BLOB cubes to get attachments from our contributors and to consult them at central level within our organization. For a given reporting type, a single contributor can attach up to 50 external files. Currently, as soon as a contributor attached an external file, the file's name is lost for ever when stored…
Overlaying mask
Currently, a mask is applied underneath the screen so any object in the screen is rendered on top of the mask. Moreover, it doesn't allow to use layouts. It would be useful if to have layouts in masks and to have a new mask class that overlays the screen. In my current project, we are managing the user access to certain…
Dynamic Header Names
It would be great if the headers, mainly for dataviews, could be more dynamic. Variables like previous month, previous year(@Month, @PYMonth, @PreviousMonth) would be great!
Synchronizing time axis between databases in a multi-database screen
Context Very often we have use cases where we need to compare data between two databases. We build two layouts (necessary because different data models) and we put them side by side. Having common selectors is of course not possible in the general case (that's the point of making two DB) but it would be very practical to…
@Selection by tree
Hi all, Context In our current situation, very often I need to display the current Selection in the screen, so I use @Selection function in a general manner. In some other cases I want to display a specific one, so I use the @Entity. However sometimes I need to display the selection for a given tree (that can have 30…
Auto-Updating Version of BOARD Office Add-In
Hi All, not sure how many community members are affected by this, but at least for me it would be a great help, if there was an automatic update function (just like we have in the client) also for the Office Add-In. The need to deinstall one version and install another every time you connect to a different Board Server is…
Datamodel Tags
Hi, at the moment, when developing a BOARD datamodel, we do not have an easy way of finding sub-sets of cubes/entities/etc.. used for a specific business process inside a database or with specific features, for example: * all cubes used in data-entry for budgeting purposes * all cubes containing actual data loaded directly…
Pivoting Dataviews
THE IDEA I would like to suggest that the dataview object retains all the native functionality available in horizontal alignment when using the vertical alignment (pivoted Dataview). EXPLANATION Currently, the dataview object is highly versatile in formatting and application when aligned horizontally. One can drill,…
allow 2 descriptions/ names by entity name
Actually its only possible to create 1 description of an entity. And the same name will be displayed for the user for example in the selector (there are a few other examples like this) In this case we have to use a workaround and "hide" the name of the selector with a label Most of the entities an especially hierarchies…
New screen object: Multi-Selector
Hi All, during a presentation of a process mining tool I saw a pretty neat object and thought that maybe this could be replicated in Board: A selector that allows you to choose the entity you want use in a drop-down. What could this look like? The object would be divided into an upper and a lower part. In the upper part…
Web Client: Copy Slide in Presentation Mode
Context This is a request directly coming from a customer and would STRONGLY enhance the usability of the Presentation Mode which would close the loop. Issue - The user has a reporting page where he/she starts from a blank screen with an empty dataview and user adds columns in the report builder - The user saves the…
Export to Excel - improved file-naming
It would be useful to enhance the functionality of exports to excel (and pdf) to enable more meaningful filenames to be created. My suggestion is that there should (in Web) be 2 new properties associated with each object, for which export to excel (and pdf) would use as part of exported filenames. This would improve the…
Select multiple members by text string
Hi All, currently, if you want to select a greater number of entity members on a screen (for example a list of 50 specific articles), you have to click on a selector, search for one, select it, search for the next one, select… and so on. In a few projects now, users have asked if they could enter the desired members as a…
reverse dynamic selection
I noticed that while in the select of an entity you can choose whether to make a selection or an exclusion, using the dynamic selection on a cube, you can not exclude what is in that cube directly from the select. It would seem more convenient to have this option in the select, aware that the problem can be easily solved…
Append option on Reload all cubes
1. What is your idea? Create a new flag "append" on procedure action "reload all cubes" (Datareader > Database Reload > Cubes). With this flag it would be good to manage the append option of the reload all cubes. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?…
treemap chart > modify the colour behaviour of tiles when alerts are used
1. What is your idea? currently, colouring treemap tiles (when a block alert is set) uses a shading function around the threshold value, e.g. for threshold alert = 4 and colour red, the tiles for values 3 and 5 will get a lighter red, whereas 4 has a full red colour. I have use cases where this behaviour is not the…
Exclude based on cube
Hello everyone, should it be possible to implement something not only to select based on cube but also to exclude based on cube? In the development of both screens and, mostly, procedures, this could be very helpful! Thanks in advance to anyone who will reply or join or edit my idea! Marco
Add "Inverse" checkbox on "Select entity based on cube"
1. What is your idea? Add "Inverse" checkbox on "Select entity based on cube" 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Exemple of use: * Display members that are yet to be done, to be inputed, or yet not processed in the workflow * Display member that…
Enhance the DataView Layout SORT function
Currently DataView layouts can only sort by ONE block/entity. It would be helpful to be able to apply a sort using several blocks. For example, where a client's data has 3 levels - eg Site, Floor, and Work Area and you wish the report to sort by Site, then Floor then Work Area descriptions, and the date the Work Area was…
Datetime / Timestamp type cube
My idea Add a new type of cube : Datetime that store date and the time! Basically, it's the same as type date but support n decimal places to handle times like in Excel. Use case (exemple) : In my current project, users need to view the exact time when a task in the workflow has been completed and/or when a coworker has…
Selector & Pager based on a layout
The Idea : Add a new variant of the Selector object were the member - and there default status - are displayed based on the result of a layout. The layout values of these new objects should have add properties to the members : * visible : member is available in the list/screen selection * default : member is active in the…
user session & user stored cubes to help with user experience
The idea is to have cube where the user is dimension managed automatically by Board and invisible to the user himself as it set on himself (@user) for everyone. The purpose is to improve user experience by remembering his choice and his preference. I can see at least to useful variation : * User session are cleared when…
Acclaim Badges for e-Learning Certifications
While I'm a big fan of the quests and learning resources as part of the community site, I think there is an opportunity to promote BOARD and recognize accomplishments beyond just the community site. Acclaim is one of a few sites offering badges for recognition for accomplishments. Companies like Microsoft, Oracle and IBM…
Hello some ideas about manual: * the Board manual should be improved and integrated in the board interface. * An a classic icon like (?) should appear somewhere in the top of the page and in the slide menu of objects * Different contents depending on license type. E.g. A developer will see the all the contents, a lite user…
Add sum of remaining values in addition to total
When filtering the layout by let's say the top customers, I'd like to know how much am I missing. Right now using "Keep Totals" I can infer the rest of the values. But that is a tedious task, best done in excel. I'd like to have an option "add remaining sum" that would create a new row above the totals' row. The content…
In dynamic selections panel for time entities I suggest following improvements 1 have the possibility to set a cycle, e.g. last 3 years from current (as in the block functions) 2 have the possibility to set the "YTD months" based on fiscal year also 3 have such options available in SELECTOR object also, if referred to a…
Writing a comment via pop up in a procedure
I just wanted to share this idea with the community. Feedback welcome!! We currently can write text and/or comments in a cube, however we cannot really integrate this process as part of a procedure. It would be great to enable a procedure action that allows a pop up to appear where we can write text and that this text is…
Dear community Inhibit initial layout execution refresh is now possible only in some cases. 1) through a procedure with an action "go to screen" + option "disable initial layout execution" or through an "On open trigger" procedure. 2) Using an ATO pager 3) while developing a layout, using the option "Apply" instead of "OK"…
Monte Carlo Simulation
I have had a few discussions of late and it seems I am not alone having discussed it with some coleagues, around if it is possible to do Monte Carlo simulations, there are mixed views some feeling something close could be achieved using nexel but in general it is felt that it would be difficult, so wondering if it is…
Checking relationships and identify missing items (from Bottom Up scan) or floating items (from Top Down scan) may result in a quite long activity, especially for big databases. And should always be performed by developers. It would be nice have a procedure action "check relationships" that perform the scan and generate a…