In-Line Drill Down (excel style drill in native BOARD)
This is idea is essentially to provide the ability/option to drill down in BOARD the same way that it works in Excel with the office Add-in. When drilling down on a layout in Excel it does it what I call 'in-line', in that it expands/inserts down to show the detail in line. It doesn't have a drill pop-up like in native…
Drill Through - footer conditions in query
For now its possible to define 'Where' conditions only. It would be helpful to define footer conditions too. Examples: GROUP BY ORDER BY LIMIT FETCH FIRST X rows only ... Applicationexample: Our users can do a drill through on P&L Lines and can get all booking details --> its a large table in datawarehouse. In some cases…
Export a layout to ASCII file in "append" mode
Hi, A very simple request I have regarding the "export layout to ascii" function in the procedure : currently there's no way to append to a file rather than replacing it. However it would be very useful to create a specific log for a procedure and provide technical reports at the end of a dataflow (such as a control…
Transporting Entity Templates
Version 10.1.4 of the Transporter supports the transportation entity templates, but not formatting changes. New entity templates are transported. The support for entity templates feels incomplete without the ability to transport formatting changes. Se we have to continue manual transportation of template changes by copying…
Use another block as value for alerts in charts
It would be great if you could setup an alert in a chart based on another block just like you can with dataviews.
Last login should be by instance
Our users have access to two instances, production and training. Yet, in the IDP / Subscription hub, it only shows 'last login' for the user, it doesn't show per instance. When I click EXPORT, I get a nice Excel with a row for each user, last login and instance - but the last login is the same for all!!! Can you please…
Hi With the latest Board versions when the transporter is used we get information related to cubes shifting positions. Can you make a separate step where all indexing is shown? It will save time to understand what is what. I assume that any change in indexing should be moved. For me it is most important to understand any…
Presentation - Add fixed comments/formatting on the slide
Actually, we cannot fix comments on presentation. It could be interesting to highlight important points e.g. As in Power Point application e.g., it would therefore be interesting to be able to attach comments or formatting to the slides of the presentations.
Master Layout - Select dependancies
My idea: In the same way you can choose which dataview synchronize with an other for scrollbars : it would be nice if when enabling master layout you could set for every object which dataview is the master. And therefor also enable multiple master object Use case : My customer has a screen split in two visible section,…
Automate user export
In order to monitor the licenses of our instance, we would need to automate the production of the user/profile csv file, which is not currently possible except manually. The ideal would be to store this file on the SFTP server of the instance in order to be able to retrieve it via an sftp flow, we could of course use a…
Same data sort order in export template, as is shown on the screen
In our Board app, we have a screen where the user can enter data directly. There is a button, the user clicks and an Excel template is created. It's a copy of the data the user sees on the screen. In Excel the user can fill in the yellow cells (where they should add/change data) and use Smart Import to upload that data…
Data model panels - multidb view
For some of data model panels (entities, cubes, data read, securities) it would be useful to view items of all data models in a unique page. Through an added column "data model" I can filter of sort rows. Could be very useful for customers with several databases
FlexGrid – Sorting of column labels representing time
In a FlexGrid, column labels that represents time series can be shown in chronological order only if those information are entered as entites by row in the layout. Entity blocks or algorithms (numeric/text) can be used as column labels but will not be shown properly sorted. It would be great to extend this property to all…
Scheduled procedure for Board Engine and Webserver Restart
Hello, It would be great to have the ability to set a schedule for restarting the board engine and web server. This would provide the board with a more automated approach to system optimization by maintaining scheduled restarts of both the board engine and the web server.
Broadcasting improvements - customizable dates format
It would be nice to have the capability to choose the culture related to a broadcasting action. Example I have a diagram with a daily trend; it's distributed with a broadcasting action set in the sys panel; the date format in the pdf inherit the culture of the server, that is for example EU format (dd/mm/yyyy) But the…
Pre-set date cubes for Dynamic Selection
Hi BOARD Team, BOARD pre-set Date Entities with couple of custom date entities. This is very handy. We always need to create new date cubes to achieve dynamic selections. Could we also pre-set some DATE cubes based on those pre-set date entities? For example, cubes for next (last) 3, 6 12 months. next 26 weeks etc. Thanks
Visible Options Based on User Permissions & Improve Keyboard Shortcuts Pane
This proposal seeks to enhance user experience and simplify navigation in Board by: Hiding Advanced Options for Basic Users Just as the "Design Mode (F4)" option is hidden for users without access, other advanced options tailored for power users or administrators should also be hidden for basic users. For example, several…
Object Effects: Transitions
This proposal seeks to improve the "Effects" section by introducing a variety of transition effects to complement the existing "Object Opacity" feature. Current Issue: Currently, when an object set to 0% opacity is hovered over, it suddenly appears, which can be visually abrupt, making the element seem to pop out of…
Block Configuration Pane Behavior
Current Issue: After clicking "Save," the pane remains open, requiring developers to click a separate "Close" button to return to the layout. Impact: While this may seem like a minor issue, it results in an extra click each time changes are made. This can accumulate significantly when working on larger layouts. Proposed…
Organization of Custom Links with Folder-Like Buttons
This proposal aims to improve the management and accessibility of custom links within Board by introducing folder-like buttons in the “Links” section. Currently, custom links are contained in a single "Links" folder-like button in the Board menu, which can become cluttered as more links are added. By allowing users to…
B14: Adjust the DataView Layout Editor - Configure a drill on last block option missing
Hi @Product Management Team, I think it would be great if the possibility to configure a drill action on a block in a dataview was available on every block. The last block in a layout can't be configured due to the "preview" button which obscures this feature: Best, Helmut
Blocks vertically aligned : color alert
Hi, The customer need would be to have the color alert functionality working while the blocks are vertically aligned in the dataview. Example enclosed, the color alert is working well with blocks horizontally aligned. The idea here was to differenciate past and future data. Thanks
Impact Analysis scope to include Capsule procedures
At the moment, impact analysis only reports on the objects and their dependencies that are present in the data model. This excludes the capsule-level procedures. For example, If we search for a procedure and identify which other procedures make a call to it, it only lists the procedures at the data model level while there…
Enhance capsule log with Cube physical name
Currently, the capsule log only exports the cube name: In order to import and better analyse this log it would be very helpful if also the physical cube name would be exported (same as for instance in the data-entry log).
Ability to use javascript or Ajax or any scripting language to customize visuals
Ajax or javascript (or similar) scripting languages have evolved over a while and have been used to add dynamicity to visuals or show how screen objects behave when certain actions are performed. In the same context, if we can have the ability to put in some scripting capabilities, we can enhance the screen object and how…
Extracting a Rule to Validate (Board 12.6)
While troubleshooting a Rule function, the extracted file is in the form txt document and the rules / formulae are in the form of Entity member codes and not description. Hence, it becomes difficult to validate the rules/formulae for the developer/support/user, in the event a calculation is populating incorrect numbers
FlexGrid - Ranking function Vertical % and others
We would like to reactivate the Ranking Functions already present in Dataview also in FlexGrid. In particular the Vertical %, in order to be able to obtain the calculation of % vs group totals even when groups are modified by the user: In addition to the DataView: the functions should correctly recalculate the totals…
FlexGrid - Algorithm functions GT() and others
We ask to add the algorithm functions 'GT()', 'DT()', 'RT()' in FlexGrid to achieve the same behaviour as in DataView i.e: GT() >> grand total DT() >> column total RT() >> row total The main objective is to get in FlexGrid: the calculation of percentage weighted against the 3 totals the dynamic display of these values when…
FlexGrid - Date cubes as column labels in pivot mode and automatic time-grouping
Hello, currently FlexGrid does not recognize date cubes when they are used as column labels in pivot mode. This is a date cube (column "Input Date") in flat mode and it is fine: This is the same date cube used as a column label in pivot mode: Even if it is a 'date', it is not recognised as a date and has no native temporal…
Comeback of role up Cube
Rolap cubes would be a great way to have real time data in your DWH with the advantage that you can have audit trails (timestamp and username can be automatically written into a table), but: Performances for bulk data entry are not acceptable They cannot be used in dataflows reliably These two issues cause the ROLAP cubes…