Collapse & Drill by columns
Often we experience the need to create huge reports that contain several blocks with entities by column. This kind of layouts can generate an high number of columns, and this could have an impact on performances and usability as well. In the following example, having two cubes and two years selected, the detail by month…
BOARD Community Navigation frustrations
I am finding it increasingly frustrating when reading through forums. I am used to using forums, scrolling down, selecting an article to read and then returning to the point in the 'stack' that I left by using a browser 'back' button. However, on the BOARD forum, I will scroll through a forum and select an article to read.…
(SOLVED) Count contents of a BLOB cube
*** See solution in comments below *** Original Idea: I would like to be able to count the contents of BLOB cubes - I want to know how many records they hold and I want to compare this information. To give some context. I have a blob cube which contains property images. Not all properties have images. For those that do,…
Copy of BLOB Cubes in DataFlows
Hi All, at the moment it is not possible to copy blob Cubes in dataflows. It would be great when a simple copy of BLOB Cubes in DataFlow would be possible. It also would be great if the target BLOB Cube could have some more or leass dimensions than the source BLOB Cube. Regards, FabFro
Web GUI for Server Config and Adula Params
Hi All, We have the following situation: You can edit the functions od BOARD and board server via the serverconfig GUI, via boardengine.exe.config (XML), via server_config_v2.xml (XML) and via adulaparams.xml (XML). The current situation brings some challenges: * There is no GUI for BoardEngine.exe.config and…
Direct Data Entry into a Cube in a DynaWrite
I can currently enter data into an RTF cube that is used in a DynaWrite Layout, but this is only possible if I set up a data entry enabled DataView with the RTF cube (see Add Narrative below): I would like to be able to write my text directly into the data entry enabled cube in the DynaWrite (i.e. 'Project narrative',…
Time Functions & Entity Description
I think it would be nice if the description of the entities in row / column considered time functions of the cubes (eg offset-1 on Month, with selected month Jan.18 shows Dec.17).
display existing procedure's name while renaming it
1. What is your idea? Simplify a small task that happens sometimes : renaming existing procedures. Currently the procedure's name is always empty when I click on "rename" I wish the existing name of the procedure would be displayed, so I can directly amend it. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to,…
Previous Selection
Hi all, have you also come across the desire to go back to the previous selections? Okay, Board will let you reset the selection on a specific entity and then you can select something else or you can use a vertical list and click on another member. But how cool would it be to be able to go some steps back? Example: I am…
Alerts in GroupBy (WEB)
That would be nice if we could see a one single colour alert on GroupBys instead of some portions of different colours depending on the behaviour of what happens inside the GroupBy. Nowadays, only Circle option works on Web GroupBys. Figures, Blocks or BlocksOnly options don't seem to work for GroupBys on Web. You will…
ToolTip on Row heading
It would be good if there was a way to get a tooltip to show on the Row heading column. There are times where the tooltip to be displayed relates to the entire row and not just a particular block, in these instances it would be very useful to have the tooltip show on the row heading/entity. At the moment the only options I…
Format "GroupBy"
It would be nice to have the same format in the "groupby" as it is defined in the block. The total cell doesn't keep the format (colour for example) set in the block, it's a shame.
Drill down in web in flattened mode
Hi all, For excel export reasons (see Export Data to Excel in Flattening mode for Web client ) I built a layout using the flattened presentation, with 2 entities by row (Legal Entity then Material). Before using the flattened option, I could drill down by clicking on my Material entity. Now that it's flattened, I can drill…
Drill Through - footer conditions in query
For now its possible to define 'Where' conditions only. It would be helpful to define footer conditions too. Examples: GROUP BY ORDER BY LIMIT FETCH FIRST X rows only ... Applicationexample: Our users can do a drill through on P&L Lines and can get all booking details --> its a large table in datawarehouse. In some cases…
Export a layout to ASCII file in "append" mode
Hi, A very simple request I have regarding the "export layout to ascii" function in the procedure : currently there's no way to append to a file rather than replacing it. However it would be very useful to create a specific log for a procedure and provide technical reports at the end of a dataflow (such as a control…
Custom ETL functions
There are a wealth of etl functions available in the ETL Function Reference, but I would like the ability to write additional custom functions which I can reference in layouts and dataflows. As as an example, I would like to define variations on the lending calculations (PMT, IPMT, FV, NPV) that use our custom business…
Custom dataview options and actions
BOARD already uses the design of having users mouse over an object and then see additional options related to that particular object. I would like the ability to add options or actions to particular objects on a screen. Maybe this is already possible, but I don’t know how to do it. If that’s the case, please let me know…
Enhance the management of the security
When the profile assigned to a group is changed, the revised profile should be propagated to all the members of this group. Several profiles could be assigned to one group of users or to one user. We have to be able to build one or several profiles per capsule. Groups would help to build "Business profiles" by assigning…
Transporting Entity Templates
Version 10.1.4 of the Transporter supports the transportation entity templates, but not formatting changes. New entity templates are transported. The support for entity templates feels incomplete without the ability to transport formatting changes. Se we have to continue manual transportation of template changes by copying…
Save Capsule as - Copy Folder
Hi Guys, Many times I had to copy one or more capsules both in my local environment or from the production to the development one. As yuo can image, big applications can have more than just few capsules. Unfortunately actually it is not possible to copy more than one capsule at time. Therefore my proposal is to add an…
Cube Title as a Combobox
When I view the structure and versions of a cube, the text box can be changed to change the name of the cube. This is helpful when setting up new cubes, but doesn’t facilitate reviewing multiple cubes quickly. I would like to see a selection arrow at the right end of the text box that allows a user to select a different…
Massive reporting: export looping through entity items
A common challenge using Board is to export from Board to other media formats (like pdf, xlsx, pptx, ...) especially when the output must be "one file per each item of an entity". Call it a loop through entity items or "massive reporting". When setting print options in the Board screen it's possible to use "paged by…
Export Data to Excel in Flattening mode for Web client
Hi everyone, The title says it all, the "flattening" mode is very useful for users and it's not available in the web client. Current issue: * In the Web environment I want to provide users with both a nice visual (through a collapse presentation) and the possibility to export and reuse properly the data ("flatten groups"…
Service Windows / Maintenance
During the lifecycle of one BOARD project, we may experience the need to execute critical actions on database structure that require the exclusive access. This means we have to be sure that Users cannot access to the system and/or execute any kind of actions, especially run procedures, data entry, ... This becomes more…
Turn off 'Alerts' on down totals/group by
Sometimes the 'alert' on a total line doesn't make sense, and sometimes when a Dataview is collapsed and it lists ALL alerts on the 'group by' heading it become unreadable. It would be handy if we could control these to elect not to show alerts on totals and group by headings. There currently is no work around other than…
Home Screen choice straight through to capsule -Web
In respect to web. (I am aware this is possible on the standard client) There are particular user communities that don't need to navigate through favourites, folders, capsules to complete or see their task, examples are users who return to the same information and indeed that might be their sole use. As we grow BOARD in an…
Save Current Selection upgrade
Hello, i usually find myself in this situation and was hoping this idea might be helpful for everyone * What is your idea? Add a flag "Share" to the "Save Current Selection" action in order to allow this saving to survive at the end of a procedure and to be recycled in other procedures. * What specific problem are you…
Sorting options in a Dataview
I am often missing more options when it comes to sorting the data in a Dataview. What I would love is something similar to Excel, where you can choose several columns for sorting your data. I am aware that you can choose if an entity gets sorted by ID or Description or sort data based on a cube, but there are times when…
"Hide Based On" in Layout block
Similar to the 'Locked by' option within a block, it would be handy if we also had the ability to 'Hide based on' for a block. So that if the 'based on' block is 1 this block would be hidden (as opposed to 'locked'). This would enable for a more simple hide/show of blocks in a dataview etc. This can already be done with…
Dynamic Selection within Layout
A good improvement would be the chance to set up a dynamic selection within Board Layout. This way you should be able to create different infromation scenarios in the same screen according to cubes parameters or current date.