Add capability to wrap text around an image in an RTF cube
Use Case: the creation of high-quality Presentations that include text, images, and data. Idea/Minor Feature: Add the capability to wrap text around an image in an RTF cube.
Customize toolbars for dynawrite objects
It would be great if we could customize the toolbars in the text boxes for dynawrite objects. For example we dont want users to insert tables and we want them to use the same font size/style in all texts. In this case we would like to restrict the format options available to users.
Graphs with toolbar always visible and Single data block : display drop down list directly
Currently, when the toolbar is always visible and the Layout is on single data block in a graph, we have the result in the third screenshot to change the selected block. However,it isn't very practical, and user tend to miss that the feature " single data block " allow them to switch from Quantity to revenue for exemple.…
Default Database Security Profile while creating a new DB - ADMIN
Dear Team, Currently when we create a Database, it is setup without any Security Profile. Could we please look to add the step of adding a default Database Security Profile - ADMIN at the time of creating a new Data model. We could have this done behind the scenes as soon as the developer finishes setting up the time range…
Enhancement of Virtual Cubes
Initially Virtual Cubes are a fantastic feature of BOARD. They are only acitve during the runtime of a procedure, you didn´t have to take care of old values, they don´t waste performance saving data to harddisk, … If it would be possible using a Virtual Cube also for Selection Steps and IF Statements it would be fantastic…
Add "On Error go to group" feature to SQL / Text / SAP connector data reader
The Rest API call has this nice feature that let you, in case of an error go to a group to hande the error more gracefully than “stop” It would be usefull to have have it on other object like SQL / Text / SAP connector data reader :
To apply open screen triggers using Broadcasting (B12.4)
For our monthly reporting we have a few screens with open screens triggers, because this is the only way of getting a good selection on screen. We face the issue that open screen triggers are not applied when using presentations/broadcasting. The only way to make it work is to run the presentation first, so all the pages…
First column size 0 should show border of data view
If you set the first column in a data view to width of 0 the border of the second column should be shown normally. Alternatively a column width of 1 should show the border of second column. Currently you either have no border (width = 0) or a randomly thick border (width = 1)
Board API endpoints that can identify last time Application objects were used
1. What is your idea? Board API endpoints that can identify last time Application objects such as, capsules, cubes, data readers, procedures, screens, etc. were used. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Automate the identification of unused objects…
Hide user or group name from chat list
1. What is your idea? Add option to hide user or group name which you used before from chat list. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? When you use chat with a user or create chat group, these users and group name are kept shown and there is no…
Tree object: Option to hide text block in pop up screen
Tree object: Option to hide text block in pop up screen 1. What is your idea? Add option to hide text block in a pop up screen which is shown when a mouse cursor is pointed. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? In tree object, I would like to add…
user last login date/time
For user maintanance: Board Cloud (10.8) System Administration/Users Please add a colomn with last loging date and also provide it in the Export function.
Add an administrator console
It would be nice to have an administrator console allowing : - to have the history of the procedures launched - to access the history of the updates of the entities
DataView scrolling: fix top entities
Hi, To ease the navigation in a data view with several entities by row and a large number of rows it would be helpful to have the option to choose that some top entities stay on top of the layout when scrolling. Assume we have the following row structure with entities A and B and entity A is set to be fixed on top. A1 B1…
Transform rgb(rx,gx,bx) values to rgba(rx,gx,bx,1) automatically
Idea : When copy a rgb(rx,gx,bx) values and Board would parse it and convert to rgba(rx,gx,bx,1) correctly Most GFX charts and color picker tool work with format rgb but not with rgba which make copy/pasting in the absent of a corporate identity designer less convenient. Workaround : Currently you can copy paste…
Monitor sparsity in B12
Hi, It would be good to have a section to monitor sparsity in B12 (in particular in the Cloud) - like we use to have in B10. Monitoring by cube, as currently available, is not efficient. Thanks. Bests, Quentin
Wildcards in printable report filenames
Exporting printable reports is limited in that the filename is always manually defined. Supporting wildcards in the filename like @date would be a huge improvement.
Layout formatting
Hi Can we have a few options developed to further enhance the layout formatting? 1) format in Bold the Layout Title2) Layout title cell bordered at the bottom3) Layout "Total" cell in Bold I'm sure this will be useful to a wider community once available.
Pager navigation controls
Hi all, When you select a member related to the selected member in the parent entity's pager in the child entity's pager and press the navigation control in the child entity's pager, Scrolls all members regardless of the parent entity selection. I wish I could scroll by the members of the child entity that is related to…
Subscription Hub / Board Cloud IDP - Support Multiple Login Methods on Home screen
We recently deployed the Subscription Hub (Board Cloud IDP) and have a request around authentication options. Before the IDP, there were multiple login options on the Board home screen. Both Board users (username/password) and SAML users could login from this screen. With the new identity provider, all users must enter a…
Files to tidy up the presentation
Let the users create some files in presentation menu to have a better view in the menu
Make the Portal time format work even if the server is using 12h time format
Currently all logged events in "operating system events" shows the wrong time half of the day. If a failed login attempt happens at 2pm it shows as 02:00:00 in the web portal. This is a bug and not really an improvement suggestion, but Board support told me to register it as an idea here anyway.
Export a view in PDF without comments
B10.8, WEB Version. I'm intensively using data view comments. When I export a pdf the comments are always printed in a 2nd sheet. It would be nice to choose if print or not the comments, since they often contains details not required in a printout.
On Premise - Unlock Users
After several failed attend to enter his password a user is locked for 30 minutes (default setting). The only options for the user to access the system before the end of the ban is to ask an Administrator to change his password. Idea: It would be good for Admin to have the option to see the list of locked users and unlock…
Drill Through to the database via API
Hi, The lowest level of our model is currently the account, the goal is to display the billing data via a drill through. With the change of the interface to an API (previously SQL) a drill through is not possible. Is there a plan to make this feature available in future versions?
Big data eye
Be able to close all the eyes of "data" function in one click
Light developer licence for presentation
Create a new licence to allow some users to do what they want (like a developer) but only in presentation module.
Let the user modify the column color
A user who modify the layout for himself can do everything, except change the color of the column... Have this option can be great
2 Unbalanced hierarchy in lines or column
Hello all, We would like to have less limit on unbalanced hierarchy, especially be able to put in lines 2 unbalanced hierarchies. Today, only one works, the 2nd one show the leaf level and not the level selected.
Block reference and unbalanced hierarchy
Hello all, This point is about unbalanced hierarchy. We can't use a block reference on this type of entities, except on the leaf level. The issue is that when we have an unbalanced hierarchy, it's because we use a lot the consolidations level. It would be great if we can have the same possibility as a classic…