Shared Members
1. What is your idea? The idea is to be able to show a member in an unbalanced hierarchy twice (or even more) in order to show correct overall company result. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? We are currently building a new reporting set incl.…
Public Bookmark
Dear, Bookmarks are a great creations that allows user to prepare a set of selection to apply when they want. In other solutions, advanced users have the option to make their bookmarks/selections/layout public making them usable by other people. Having a function like this would be great in Board to offer to users some…
IDP User Export should include Last Login and Account Status
It's now possible to export the full list of users from the IDP interface - thanks! But Last Login and Account Status are missing. Please include them!
Copy paste should work on all combinations that are seen in Dataview
1. What is your idea? Copy pasting data into data entry enabled layout should work for all rows. It used to work in client but doesn't work in Board 12.1 anymore. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? If users have huge excels to directly copy into…
Adding a system message when a transparency value greater than 1 is entered in RGBA section
When a transparency value greater than 1 is manually entered in RGBA color section (i.e. rgba(36,55,131,255)) on a layout, Board accepts it and the color is considered valid. Instead, when exporting the object via standard mode in Excel format you obtain an error message and the export procedure fails. The error is due to…
Allow Data View to ignore format settings
Current situation: In Board Data model, designers have the option to define a Format for specific entities. Once set this format will impact each data view created using cubes with these entities. Limitations: The format setting is acting as master for all data view, this prevent to have a different format for specific…
Hide tooltip icon when Data entry is on for empty cells
In Board 11, the tooltip function was displaying only it's icon and content if and only if there was content in the block used as reference for the tooltip. This was also regardless the status of the block (data entry on or off). In Board 12 this behavior was changed and if the block used as reference is in Data Entry…
Broadcasting variable parts
We are facing the requirement, that users, which are receiving mails + attachment (xlsx) from BOARD-Broadcaster, would need dynamic parts in the mail-header, file-name of attachment and parts of the mail-text. e.g. @date, @month would be really helpful
There are cases where the calculation cost item is not calculated in real time
Issue:When there are many columns, there are cases where the calculation cost item is not calculated in real time. Request:Please improve so that the algorithm calculation works correctly regardless of the number of columns.
Comment input column
Issue:The comment input column is not displayed correctly after the 51st column of the table. Request:Please improve so that the comment input column works correctly regardless of the number of columns.
Pre-aggregated value (version)
Issue:The pre-aggregated value (version) cannot be created for the cube for data entry, and the screen response cannot be improved. Request:Please improve so that pre-aggregated values (versions) can be created for cubes that input data.
About the version output of the capsule log
It is a matter of the capsule log of Board11. There is a version output item, and when I create the version manually, the version log starts at [003]. I thought it was a problem, but there was a reply that it was as specified. On Board10, the version log is output from [001]. Since it is Baard11, I think that the function…
Embed display chart for users' logs
Hello, As an admin, it's very useful to get to know which users are connected in real-time, and how many they are. Could Board embed a chart that would display the connected users in almost real-time (let's say every minute). This would avoid the necessity to:* get to the server * seek for user'log file * paste it in Excel…
Capture Login
Ability to place a capsule in the root login folder with a certain name and when the user logs in the capsule automatically runs.
Improve debbuging/running of procedures from Procedure Editor
There is a very frustrating feature of the web interface when debugging procedures. There are some actions in procedures which error when debugging them (ie. 'running' them from the data model Procedure Editor) - even though they work when called from the capsule/screen. These actions break the procedure in debug mode and…
Capsule Theme Adjustment for Dark Background Board 10.6 or Later Version
From the point of view of matching customer theme style, it is very necessary to let Board Web Client adjust the font color or icon color to match dark background in capsule theme.
test idea by tester intern
test blabla
Ability to copy/clone a presentation
We use presentations a lot and sometimes they have 30+ pages. Often users want to create new presentations similar to one that already exists. The easiest way would be to take an existing presentation and clone it, and then make modifications as needed. Instead they have to build the new presentation from scratch, screen…
Select in loyout
Hello Davide Giusti, we learnt that using the select in the Layout and using Keep instead of To this does not work if the entity is a leaf. It would be useful if this will work also for entity that are leaf. The Board manual does not specify this issue. Best regards, Gabriele
(Resolved) v10.6 Custom CARD Sizing Issue
******************** RESOLVED ******************** I raised this issue as an idea as I had mistakenly assumed that, with v10.6, a label could no longer be embedded with as layout. I further assumed that the CARD object was provided to replace this functionality. I have now learnt that one must select the 'configure layout'…
Preselection for Entity Editor within a Container
Hi all, would be great to have a Option for Preselection of Entity-Member within a Panel (Entity Editor). Otherwise we see nothing until we select an element. If there are further questions, get back to me. BR Atilla FYI: with a normal pager you cannot have a independent selection of each chart. That is why you have to…
changing chart values dynamically
In the chart, other BI tools make change values on the vertical axles from KM to M. Does Board take in to considerations?
Broadcast web - allow local save of document
In the previous/win client 'version' of the Broadcast feature it was possible to elect to save the document (eg. pdf) locally before emailing. This feature seems to no longer be available in the web version of the Broadcast function. It would be good if this option was provided to maintain consistency with the previous…
Mouse Wheel for opening a new tab
On normal websites it is possible to click the mouse wheel on a link in order to open a new tab in the browser. It would be nice if Board 11 had the same funcationality for link-labels for example.
Master Capsules and Editing at Scale
Have you ever built different capsules, maybe because some users should see something that others shouldn't? Maybe the Sales team should see only some screens, while the management should be able to see all the screens? Most of the times, great part of the screens are identical through the different capsules, except for…
Enable Profile Image Upload
Board 11 continues (see previous thread) to only allow web-link images for users' profile photos/avatar. It would be helpful to also enable images to be uploaded from windows explorer (any drive). Regards Mike
Option to hide Screen Name in HTML 5 Browser
In the Web browser the name of the BOARD screen is always displayed at the top of the browser screen, in a lot of cases you may have a long screen name or maybe you have a screen naming convention that is a bit 'Ugly' to look at. It would be great if there would be an option to hide the screen name. Interested to hear the…
Allow for export of notes in Presentation Mode
This is a straightforward request from the customer who wants to prepare a presentation deck in the BOARD Web Client and share it in a PDF/PowerPoint format to their co-workers: "Allow to export the presentation notes of the Presentation". It could be added a screenshot with the notes or just as additional notes below the…
Slack Integration
Slack has become a popular instant messaging and collaboration tool. The collaboration tools within BOARD are very powerful, but only available while users are logged into the system. I would like to see API hooks made available so a integration could be built. This would allow BOARD screens to be shared and commented upon…
Display Screen List correctly
In latest version,, the Screen List, when displayed, is partially masked by a menu object of the current screen. It is not therefore possible to use the Search function as previously. This was not a problem in earlier version. Please correct.