Collapse & Drill by columns
Often we experience the need to create huge reports that contain several blocks with entities by column. This kind of layouts can generate an high number of columns, and this could have an impact on performances and usability as well. In the following example, having two cubes and two years selected, the detail by month…
Simplify selections in dashboards
It would enhance the creation and usability of dashboards if it is possible to define areas with different dynamic selections e.g. differnent dynamic selection per container and or single object. Please consider my sketch below and description below. How does such a dashboard work: The user enters the screen with a…
Sorting options in a Dataview
I am often missing more options when it comes to sorting the data in a Dataview. What I would love is something similar to Excel, where you can choose several columns for sorting your data. I am aware that you can choose if an entity gets sorted by ID or Description or sort data based on a cube, but there are times when…
Block(s) copy in layout/dataview
1) Copy&Paste a block is really usefull because configure each one is really wasted time comsuming (ReferTo, TimeFunctions, Format, etc...) as it is possible in Desktop client. 2) Also, copy&Paste block format would save lot of time 3) As now it is possible to copy&paste several steps in a procedure, why it is not…
New screen object: Multi-Selector
Hi All, during a presentation of a process mining tool I saw a pretty neat object and thought that maybe this could be replicated in Board: A selector that allows you to choose the entity you want use in a drop-down. What could this look like? The object would be divided into an upper and a lower part. In the upper part…
Include Version Number in Release Notes
Hello, Currently, on patch release notes the only reference within them is "Summer Release 2023", "Spring Release 2022", etc. However, within the product itself - we only have version numbers. Ie 12.4. Would it be possible to include the version number in the announcement title of the BOARD Manual? Example: never mentions…
Add "Inverse" checkbox on "Select entity based on cube"
1. What is your idea? Add "Inverse" checkbox on "Select entity based on cube" 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Exemple of use: * Display members that are yet to be done, to be inputed, or yet not processed in the workflow * Display member that…
Exclude based on cube
Hello everyone, should it be possible to implement something not only to select based on cube but also to exclude based on cube? In the development of both screens and, mostly, procedures, this could be very helpful! Thanks in advance to anyone who will reply or join or edit my idea! Marco
Datamodel Tags
Hi, at the moment, when developing a BOARD datamodel, we do not have an easy way of finding sub-sets of cubes/entities/etc.. used for a specific business process inside a database or with specific features, for example: * all cubes used in data-entry for budgeting purposes * all cubes containing actual data loaded directly…
Quick Layout : Add Flatten Option
Hello, It would be nice to be able to enable or disable flatten directly in the Quick Layout like in the screenshot below :
Notify if max item number reached
In desktop client, there used to be a pop-up message appearing in case a max item number was reached and that the Administrator was to be contacted. It would be great if some kind of notification would show up also in web (without the need to access the proper Relationships page), because if noone accesses the…
Quick Layout: Ability to determine which blocks can be visible/hidden to users
Hi R&D, The current quick layout configuration allows users to hide/unhide all visible blocks within the layout. I am suggesting that developers should have the option to determine which blocks appear in the quick layout configuration (same concept that exists for entities in the axes configuration). In the particular use…
New Time Function "Year End-" and "Year Start Value"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have additional time functions to easily get the values for year end and year start, also for previos years. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Independent from the current time selection, I want to display…
Column sorting and filtering for the end user
Hi, it is often the case that Board replaces a previous Excel solution. In Excel there is the useful function that a filter can be placed over the columns with the help of which the user can sort in ascending or descending order. He or she can also set value filters there, for example, that only rows larger > or smaller <…
Warning message before loading a DB in memory
Hi all, following our discussion here: Full RAM Mode / Benchmarking : how much time does it take to load your DB in RAM ? Issue In a development environment, we are often in the situation where we have to duplicate databases to carry out testing, parallel developments, and so on. A number of similar and big databases can…
Interactive selection - Option to display Code/Description or both
Hi, Currently, the "interactive selection" procedure step displays code and description on the pop-up window. It would be nice to have the option to choose (at procedure level) to display either Code, Description or both (similarly to how the Selectors work).
Dynamic Header Dataview
Hi! At the moment we are able to view entity-selections in a lable. It be a huge relief to use the function within the dataview as dynamic headers instead of using ctrl-cubes.
Allow parallel use of Board Web and Office AddIn
1. What is your idea? Allow parallel use of Board Web and the Board Office AddIn. If you try to do this in parallel (open up your browser and use Excel with other layouts), you will receive an error message ("logged in elsewhere"). 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would…
Comment on cubes
Hi all, I'd like to have the possibility to insert a comment on each cube (and maybe entities), mainly in order to clarify their use in the database and their content. It would be enough to reproduce the possibility already available for the step of a procedure. This becomes crucial when dealing with large database, where…
Cube description
add the possibility to have a description for each cube in the Cube-Admin section. Description should also be visible to users.
Allow temporary cubes to be used in IfThenElse
In Board 11.2 the new functionality of temporary cube is available to allow intermediate calculation to be made and stored during a dataflow execution. However these temporary cubes are not available in the IfThenElse functionality. It would be a good addition to Board to allow these temporary cubes to be considered in…
Enhance the DataView Layout SORT function
Currently DataView layouts can only sort by ONE block/entity. It would be helpful to be able to apply a sort using several blocks. For example, where a client's data has 3 levels - eg Site, Floor, and Work Area and you wish the report to sort by Site, then Floor then Work Area descriptions, and the date the Work Area was…
Enhance user experience by adding search functionality
Sometimes, when working with databases providing more than just a couple cubes or entities, finding the cube or entity you're looking for in the drop-down lists can be pretty cumbersome when no search function is available. Consider this example from the action library for calling a procedure If, however, developers would…
(Git) Versioncontrol of Board-Database-Schema
Problem to solve Currently, it is a difficult task to carefully document a database schema. Often this task is postponed until later or is completely forgotten. Even if there is documentation, it is often not available centrally in one place for all project participants, but distributed in different places with different…
Capsule transporter / Diff tool
Hi, 1. What is your idea? Add a tool, similar to the Transporter, to analyze differences between two versions of a capsule 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? It often happens that we need to double check the differences between two versions of the…
Select multiple members by text string
Hi All, currently, if you want to select a greater number of entity members on a screen (for example a list of 50 specific articles), you have to click on a selector, search for one, select it, search for the next one, select… and so on. In a few projects now, users have asked if they could enter the desired members as a…
@Selection by tree
Hi all, Context In our current situation, very often I need to display the current Selection in the screen, so I use @Selection function in a general manner. In some other cases I want to display a specific one, so I use the @Entity. However sometimes I need to display the selection for a given tree (that can have 30…
separated area for "in ram databases" and "pending changes" lists
ciao, sometimes the Board Administrator need to check whihc are the databases currently uploaded in RAM and/or the list of the "pending changes" for a specific database. currently these informations are in the "Logs" section BUT in big environments, with a lot of users/actions, you could have a lot of logs for the standard…
Database profile - Avoid reload of database
Dear all, The database is systematically reloaded after a DB profile modification / creation. On my side I have a very huge DB (160 Gb) and reloading the DB takes a long time (about 20 minutes) and freezes the Board server for end users. So when you have several profiles to modify, we are blocking users for a long time. It…
Improvement of layout configuration - structure defintion for rows and columns
Hello community, in our reporting process we are usually - in a "standard data view setup" - using the "Key-Figure-Entity" that is displayed by row. The column structure is basically defined by the block definitions, no additional "by column" entities are used. In this context the row structure is always very dynamic,…