Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter
Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter they point to when used with Previous Year or Period offset Dataview Functions Scenario Time entity is used on column axis and multiple Cube blocks are added to dataview. Some of them refer to previous or future periods. Often, dataview Functions are used to refer to other time…
Dynamic Header Names
It would be great if the headers, mainly for dataviews, could be more dynamic. Variables like previous month, previous year(@Month, @PYMonth, @PreviousMonth) would be great!
"Others" Automatically Grouped When Using Keep Top Function
Hello Community, i like using TOP/FLOP analyses and in many Customers i have implemented BOARD solutions i have come across the following need * What is your idea? When defining the Keep Top option, we usually highlight the top or worst performers based on one or multiple factors. This usually leads to “hiding” the “rest”…
Value Slider Object
Hi, In different occasions we have been asked to report on a specific measure/KPI, or to simulate a change in its value and see the impact on other elements of the screen, through a "slider" object (see image below as example). This kind of objects are getting widely spread into web-based applications due to their ease of…
Collapse & Drill by columns
Often we experience the need to create huge reports that contain several blocks with entities by column. This kind of layouts can generate an high number of columns, and this could have an impact on performances and usability as well. In the following example, having two cubes and two years selected, the detail by month…
Unbalanced Hierarchies - Allowing "selection mode" configuration in dataflow and export
Hello everyone, Yes, this is my first post on the community. Following internal advices and multiple external feedbacks I'm sharing this Idea that seems to never been raised. My idea is to allow a developer to configure the default behavior expected on an unbalanced entity selection, only by configurating option mode to…
Support Icons in menu for the web client
Hi all, to my surprise, the icons included in the capsule menu, that could be managed in the Windows client, cannot be managed any more in the web client. I opened a support question about it and Andrea Mo suggested to post it as an idea... so here it is ! Please include the option to manage menu icons in the web, same as…
Simplify selections in dashboards
It would enhance the creation and usability of dashboards if it is possible to define areas with different dynamic selections e.g. differnent dynamic selection per container and or single object. Please consider my sketch below and description below. How does such a dashboard work: The user enters the screen with a…
Broadcasting improvement
Current limitations A broadcasting action cannot be set in a procedure to be scheduled (since it's a web aside action). in the broadcasting panel there's no possibility to set a condition to run or not an action there could be cases where I would schedule a bradcasting based on a condition (e.g. send the email only if an…
Sorting options in a Dataview
I am often missing more options when it comes to sorting the data in a Dataview. What I would love is something similar to Excel, where you can choose several columns for sorting your data. I am aware that you can choose if an entity gets sorted by ID or Description or sort data based on a cube, but there are times when…
Block(s) copy in layout/dataview
1) Copy&Paste a block is really usefull because configure each one is really wasted time comsuming (ReferTo, TimeFunctions, Format, etc...) as it is possible in Desktop client. 2) Also, copy&Paste block format would save lot of time 3) As now it is possible to copy&paste several steps in a procedure, why it is not…
More bigger scroll bar size
Hi, I have this request from several customers/prospects. Now, scroll bar is so small on Web client. It is difficult to hold and scroll. It should be more bigger for usability. Thanks!
New screen object: Multi-Selector
Hi All, during a presentation of a process mining tool I saw a pretty neat object and thought that maybe this could be replicated in Board: A selector that allows you to choose the entity you want use in a drop-down. What could this look like? The object would be divided into an upper and a lower part. In the upper part…
Presentations Governance
Organizations with hundreds of users need to have greater governance over presentations. It might be helpful to know which ones were created. Know which and how many presentations will be sent at a given time and to whom. The monitoring of the presentations would be useful to better understand the impact that presentations…
Time Functions & Entity Description
I think it would be nice if the description of the entities in row / column considered time functions of the cubes (eg offset-1 on Month, with selected month Jan.18 shows Dec.17).
Expand datareader edit window in Board 14
The edit window for datareader in Board 14 is way too narrow. Currently it is nearly impossible to fully identify cubes, SQL table names or column names on a regular screen. The edit window for datareader should be just as wide as the pop up which opens when creating a new datareader:
Dynamic Decimals on report views
Hi team! We've recently had two customers and a partner reach out about the request to dynamically show or not show decimal places. Right now, it currently requires work arounds that involve layout adjustments or duplicated screens. We would like to request the ability to adjust the decimals we are viewing on a report…
Include Version Number in Release Notes
Hello, Currently, on patch release notes the only reference within them is "Summer Release 2023", "Spring Release 2022", etc. However, within the product itself - we only have version numbers. Ie 12.4. Would it be possible to include the version number in the announcement title of the BOARD Manual? Example: never mentions…
Log track of entities saturation and in case the MaxItem is reached
In B12 when the Max Item saturation is reached, Board gives no alert even if Data Readers fails to load data due to the impossibility to add new members. It would be nice to have this error and also to have it tracked in the logs (such as Data reader failure etc). Also having the saturation information monitored in some…
Dynamic time offset
There is no chance to label the layout blocks with an offset. If you want to show the previous year, the block has to be labeled with "PY" or similar. To handle it you have to implement a tempcube with the period entity and a capsule procedure which is triggered by screen open trigger like this: Then you can use the…
Append option on Reload all cubes
1. What is your idea? Create a new flag "append" on procedure action "reload all cubes" (Datareader > Database Reload > Cubes). With this flag it would be good to manage the append option of the reload all cubes. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?…
Add "Inverse" checkbox on "Select entity based on cube"
1. What is your idea? Add "Inverse" checkbox on "Select entity based on cube" 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Exemple of use: * Display members that are yet to be done, to be inputed, or yet not processed in the workflow * Display member that…
Quick preview of the data in a cube
To get a preview of the data in a cube we have to create a screen containing an appropriate dataview. In order to get a really quick preview of the data in a cube it would be helpful to have the option of saving one or more views of the cube data as part of the analysis of a cube (screenshot below). It should be possible…
Exclude based on cube
Hello everyone, should it be possible to implement something not only to select based on cube but also to exclude based on cube? In the development of both screens and, mostly, procedures, this could be very helpful! Thanks in advance to anyone who will reply or join or edit my idea! Marco
API - Entities max item number
1. What is your idea? Show through Board API "/public/{dbName}/schema/Entities" the max item number of each entity. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Monitoring the entities saturation 3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)? I…
New Time function "Full Year Value"
Hi all, I have been looking for easy ways to manage this, but so far no satisfying solution. Requirement: In a given dataview, where the screen has a month selection (user is supposed to enter actual values for this month), I need to display as a comparison : * the year to date budget value (easy) * the year to date actual…
@logo in Reports
Hi, Unfortunately the @logo is not functional in the report builder. We have the company logo and would like it to show it in the header/footer of the report Best regards, Tomislav
Datamodel Tags
Hi, at the moment, when developing a BOARD datamodel, we do not have an easy way of finding sub-sets of cubes/entities/etc.. used for a specific business process inside a database or with specific features, for example: * all cubes used in data-entry for budgeting purposes * all cubes containing actual data loaded directly…
B14 - Reset Selection to Screen default
Hello, with b14 a change was introduced, that the selection is not reseted to screen default, when switching from User View to Dev mode. Screen design. Makers and end users can quickly switch between Design and Play mode and can do so with a Selection continuously applied rather than being reset. Enjoy faster development…
🧑🤝🧑Impersonate a user features
The idea is for account with developer licence and necessary access to a server to be able to Impersonate any user from his account directly. You select the user you want to impersonate from a drop down list then everything you view - his selects, read & write data, folder access etc.. - are like the member itself on your…