Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter

Edgars Kancans
Edgars Kancans Employee
Fourth Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Likes Name Dropper
edited July 2022 in Idea Exchange

Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter they point to when used with Previous Year or Period offset Dataview Functions



Time entity is used on column axis and multiple Cube blocks are added to dataview. Some of them refer to previous or future periods. Often, dataview Functions are used to refer to other time periods for a block.


Headers of Blocks with offset Function showing Current time period selected on the screen, rather than the period they are pointed to through a Function.


To dynamically display the time period the Cube blocks point to, rather than current time period.

Perspective benefits

  • No need of PY, PPY, PPPY, PP or other similar abbreviations on the report headers.  
  • Better end user experience reading dataviews in Board.
  • Improved developer experience as period block relates to will be displayed on the column header rather than in the dataview only.

Other solutions

  • Label has been placed on top of the header but the dataview configuration with slide bottom bar is preventing that.
  • Having a trigger procedure with apply selection on the layout is not updating the column header.
Current State

Suggested State (Photoshopped)


95 votes

Accepted · Last Updated


  • Hi Edgars, thank you for sharing your idea.

    We understand the need of this solution. This feature is part of our development roadmap and we are evaluating this feature to be available with the new DataView object for release in the second half of 2024.

    We encourage you to continue submitting your ideas and suggestions in the future, as we are always open to hearing new perspectives and feedback. 

  • @Monisha Jain ,
    It could be very usefull to add the ability to also have any other Entity as a header variable.
    If the header contains "@year - @Month" or "@Month-1" or "@Month-2", it could be very convenient to also have any other Entity available in Data Model as a header variable (like @scenario, @phase, @account, @version, @BU, etc…)

  • @Monisha Jain Are you able to provide an update on this feature? When is it expected to be available?


  • Hi @Product Management Team,

    Are you able to provide an update on this feature? When is it expected to be available?
