Level 306 : Q2 incorrect numbers coming through
Hello, I'm at question 2 of the functional check in module 306 but my CY quantities for the 4 parameters are incorrect. I have gone through the steps several times for my procedures and my cube visibility but I cannot seem to spot the issue. Can I have a call setup to review this issue please? Thank you
Extend my level 300 part 1
Hello Team, My environment will be deleted on the 9th of March. I am very close to finishing but this week I have a POC to prepare and I have no time to finish the course. Could you please extend my environment for another month? Thanks
Module 303
Hi I cannot get the same numbers as the functional test solution, and neither can I get the pop-up windows showing that I cannot apply the 5% increase in forecast Thanks
Level 300 - extend training instance
Hello, I'm still awaiting feedback on a question I raised about my functional test for module 306. However, my training instance expires on March 5th. Can this please be extended to allow time for my issue to be resolved. Thank you
How do I upload the data into the data reader?
Level 200, Module 204: How do I upload the data into the data reader? #Level 200: Building a Planning Solution
308 - Security - Unable to access the training platform with the 2 users provided
I followed the steps in 308 to build security folder and application folder with my own board account. When I want to do the functional test, I logged out my ownn account and tried to loggin with the 2 users whose roles are planner_FR, approver_EMEA, it's impossible. Can someone help me?
302 - Location tree
Hi I cannot see anything since row 18 in Location Tree - H Location data reader In the CSV file I see information until row 17, I do not know what I am missing Thanks
Level 200, module 212: Update P&L Label Object for ITALY
On the module 212, i have followed and checked all the procedures but still can't find the problem with my dataview (part of the ITALY is missing) and the fx rate is completed
level 200 module 212 Not seeing any data
I am not seeing data in after running the procedure in module 212. See my screenshot below, it seems that there are nothing in Profit and Loss?
303 Planning Expansion Forecast , Functional Question 1 (not yet answered)
I’m working on Board 303 - Forecast Initialization (functional question no 1 ) and followed the steps to copy PLN - DF - Sales LC and PLN - DF - Expenses LC from the Budget version. After running Initialize Planning, the Variance column shows 0, but in the functional test picture, it has values. Did I miss a step that…
level300 reset my 300 training environment
Hello, can you reset my 300 training environment so that I can start the training again? Thank you in advance
Module 200: Cannot download L200 Capsule & Datamodels
Though we have the option to download L200 Capsule and Datamodel zip files. I am not able to download , it just keeps on loading and then stops, nothing downloads.
Level 300, Module 303; Incomplete data, missing Revenue
I am experiencing the same issue as another user has posted. I have gone back through the 302 and 303 exercises, I have not been able to resolve the issue. I am getting different results for the expenses. Below are screenshots of only Expenses, one as doubled and the other that ties. Any assistance Board Academy could lend…
Level 300: Download of Data doesn't work
Dear Community, every time I try to download the zip with the data set it keeps loading and failing. Is there another way/source/link to get the needed datasets for level 300? Many thanks in advance
Level 200: Module 209: Load data not working as expected for expenses upload
I have followed the process of the course, verified the procedure, relationships, cube, entities multiple times but unable to understamd why data load is not working for expenses. Kindly help.Thanks
Why the values loaded are differents to the Board academy?
Hi When I loaded and published the data I obtained differents values. Why can it happen? Thanks
Level 300 part 1: module 303
Hi Team, I mistakenly added the 12 actual months on the FCST9+3 and now I cannot see the variance for the functional test. Can you help out? thanks
Level 205 Build a Data Model and Capsule Procedure to load actuals
Hi I created a new procedure in the Data Model and named it ACT - Sales Data Load Then I created the Clear cubes and the text file data reader and I saved it But then I have to create a new procedure with the same name as before ACT - Sales Data Load, so I cannot create another procedure with the same name The next step is…
Upload file
I want to attach the user manual in the screen and also allow the users can also download the file.
Level 200, Module 207: After "Apply 5% Increase" the "CY Budget" Data disappears => no data
When I click on "Ally 5% Increase" the CY Budget data disappears and no data is left. Before: After: Label Config: capsule procedure: data model procedure: Do you need further information/screens? Many thanks in advance!
Level 200, Module 206: Label with timestamp shows "0" after click/trigger on "Initialize Budget"
When I click on "Initialize Budget" its loading the data, but the timestamp doesn't appear respective is "0". capsule procedure: data model procedure: Do you need further information/screens?
Level 200 Module 203: Is it correct that my data model is empty, and I start from 0?
When I try to follow steps of creating procedures, my environment doesn't look like the screeens in the steps, I have empty data model. I wonder if it's correct.. Expected screen:
Level 200 : Module 210 : Issue in copying selectors
After I copy selectors from Expense Actuals to Expense Planning screen. The selector does not appear as in the Source screen. PFB:
300 Training part 1: module 302, section 2 (Load New Currency Entity Members and FX Rates)
Hi Team, I am unable to drag and drop the currency entities onto the mapping area, I am not sure what is the problem? Thanks
Prolongement durée module 200
bonjour, des contraintes professionnelles ne me permettront pas de réaliser intégralement le module 200 dans la durée des 30 jours. J’aimerais pouvoir prolonger la durée de réalisation de ce module. Pourriez vous me dire comment dois-je procéder, vers qui dois-je me retourner pour prolonger cette durée. Merci par avance…
Lvl 302: Global expansion of actuals and reporting || Load New Store Hierarchy & Load New Currency
In the first step, when I have to run the H-Location data reader, it doesn't load the data for the new stores. This is the last row loaded: And then, when I try to create the new "E-Currency" data reader, it doesn't locate the "E-Currency.csv" file.
Level 200, Module 204: Row Totals disappearing after all the selectors are applied
After applying all the selectors as attached, the values in row total disappear. Up until the second last selector, the row total values are present. Also Note, the individual rows and column values match with the expected output. Please help. Selectors: Expected Output: My Output:
Level 204 : Can't see any data for Italy Units | Sales
BUILD THE SALES DATA MODEL : Run Data Reader to load sales data into empty TEMP Cubes I followed the previous instruction and selected the "UK_Sales data" file + RUN. Then, when I open my Capsule Screen, i can see data for UK. (see below) After creating the selector buttons, and selecting "ITALY" in PLAY MODE, i can't see…
Module 213 - No data for Italy GBP on Profit and Loss Statement screen ?
Hello, I am triple-checking all the steps of module 213 and I still don't understand why I've got no data showing up on the Profit and Loss Statement screen on the GBP tab with country selector on "Italy", while I do have data for the UK GBP and for the Italy/UK LC tab. This is Italy GBP : This is UK GBP : This is what I'm…