Option to hide automatically lines without values in a dataview

Etienne CAUSSE

Very often in a dataview, we face the following situation:
- we want to display a P&L value as a % of sales, in a separate column.
- to do this, we configure a hidden columln with a "ReferTo" option on the Sales.
- then setup a column with a/b, to display the %.
In this kind of situation, if a P&L line is empty (for example because it is not relevant in the context, not used in this cube, etc), it appears anyway because the hidden column has a value due to the referto.
We need to define additional blocks, with more or less complexity, and add filters to remove the lines. But it is not very dynamic, and not adaptable when using the quick design layout for example.
Add a dataview option to hide automatically and dynamically the lines where all visible columns are empty.