Manage Period Offset in Time Functions

1. What is your idea?
When using the Time Functions I would like to make it more straight forward and easier to understand how the function works. I would like to be able to set the period offset AND tell Board that this will be in Months, Years or days, or any other time entity.
2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
When using the Time Functions in a data block with the period offset I always run into the problem, that I have to manually check the cubes' structure. Only this way I will know, what number I have to enter in the period offset.
Most of the times, if more versions exist, it depends on the layout of the dataview, what version (day or month) of the cube is used and therefore the behaviour changes.
Instead of manually calculating 2 years into days (which might be slightly wrong every 4 years), I would like to be able to say, that this particular data block should be 2 years back.

3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)?
I currently have no other versions of cubes in place. Therefore whenever I use this function I know I have to enter days (when possible).
4. What is your role in your organization?
I am responsible for Board in terms of administration as well as developing new reports.