Unbalanced Hierarchy Sorting

Jack Footer
Jack Footer Active Partner
First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes
edited June 2021 in Idea Exchange

In board 12, the current unbalanced hierarchy function is great, however there is no option to have the parents/members sorted by your own criteria. Currently all the totals sit at the top of the tables.

To be able to have the totals sit at the bottom of the piece of data would be ideal, as well as being able to change where certain parents sit within each level. An example I have is where a P&L for a client is displayed in a specific order of what they want to see first with each section numbered as of current, the ordering of the parents is one based on the hierarchy which makes sense but then based on the order it was loaded in. (A sort cube does not work as the totals then appear in the wrong places as it also sums up the the sort cube).

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