Refresh partially instead of full screen
Irwin Tanadi

When we have a lot of data views/charts/etc. on a screen, refreshing the full screen from the procedure (Refresh Screen) can take some time. And in some cases full screen refresh is not necessary.
There are certain scenarios when the procedure is executed, it's only impacting certain sections e.g. data views/charts.
I wonder if it's possible that we can refresh partially. If not at the individual object level, maybe at the container level. For example, if I have several objects in a container, from the procedure I can choose to refresh just those objects in a specific container.
There are certain scenarios when the procedure is executed, it's only impacting certain sections e.g. data views/charts.
I wonder if it's possible that we can refresh partially. If not at the individual object level, maybe at the container level. For example, if I have several objects in a container, from the procedure I can choose to refresh just those objects in a specific container.