Rich text box, could the toolbar be docked please

To improve the user experience please dock the floating toolbar in the top or bottom of the rich text box.
Users are always asking me what this bar is doing in the way and how to move it. Why not dock it by default?
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I have the same request in Board 12.6.
When you open the “Rich text data entry” window, the text formatting toolbar may be positioned in front of the text area, depending on the screen size. As a result, you have to move the toolbar to be able to enter text. This is not very practical, and most users don't know how to move the toolbar and can't enter text.
The suggestion would be to position the toolbar outside the text area.2 -
Hi Jerome,
Exactly. I am glad we are not alone :-)
This is the Dynawrite object in Board, I presume it's the same issue for all Board versions. At least it hasn't improved as we've upgraded over the years.
It says here that Board have "accepted" this idea, hopefully we'll see this fixed very soon. Fingers crossed!