Social media engagement (50 points)


We encourage you to engage with Board content on social media. There are two ways to do this:

1: Share a post on social media that mentions Board.

For example, talk about how Board is being used at your organization and share a specific success story. Or if you recently met with Board at your office or an event, share a photo from the meeting and some words about what was discussed or achieved. You have free range to share about your experiences with Board, we just ask that you:

  • Tag other colleagues that either helped with implementation or with advancing Board's success at your company
  • Tag the Board International corporate account (see social handles below)

We also encourage you to share the post in your local language.

2: Comment on a post from Board with your thoughts / insights and tag at least one person in your network.

Board posts a variety of content that we hope you will enjoy, such as short videos, new articles, webinar promotions, and more.

Social Channels to engage with:

  • Facebook: @Board International
  • Twitter: @BoardSoftware
  • LinkedIn: @Board International
  • Youtube: @BoardSoftware

You will receive 50 points for completing this activity.

Reach out to to get started.