"Refresh-Layout - Button" for Presentations

We switched by end of last week to the 12.5. Version, which brought the number scaling functionality. As a workaround we used in the last 2 years a TEC_Divisior-Entity which enabled us already to have a kind of number scaling feature —> BUT: every DataView contained a lot of blocks just for making this possible. With the new version we did a rebuild and changed all dataviews. The problem is now for our approx. 100 presentations —> they are not getting this change and it would be great if there would be a possibility to update the layout of data views in existing presentations to get the most recent configuration without setting up all the slides in presentations again.
like the idea.
I would even propose to have two kinds of presentation types:
- one for screens which will not be updated if the original screen is changed
- one where screens are always updated according to the original screen
Whenever I change smth on a screen which is used in presentations, I always need to check whether the presentation took those changes as well. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't (haven't really found out when it does…).
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Hi @Barbara Mayrleitner, thank you for sharing your idea! We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand the need of this solution. We have accepted this Idea to be part of our backlog and we are evaluating the feasibility of adding it to the development roadmap, although Presentations have not been designed for this idea yet.
We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we must prioritize the features and enhancements that will have the most significant impact on your daily use of our software.0