The Community forum has migrated

In an effort to streamline the Community structure, the Community team has migrated the existing Community forum and merged it with the Platform forum to provide a more centralized discussion experience. Much like the previous Community forum, this is a space where you can connect directly with the Community team to provide feedback, ask questions, and get the support and guidance you need to make your Community experience a rewarding and engaging one.
You can post Community-related questions in the platform forum and get the help you need, simply add the Community tag (seen below) to your post to categorize it and make it easier to find for those looking to discuss Community matters. The existing thread of Community feedback can still be found here.
For tips on how to contribute content in Community, please visit our guide to posting.
If you have any questions, please use the forums or email the Community team at and be sure to provide us additional feedback in our Community Experience Survey!