How to move columns in Reports?
I need to build a report where the row entity is in the second column.
So in essence I need to show actuals data then the row entity then the rest of the columns.
What I have tried was to bring in the row entity into the layout section of the report but noe any template styling is not applied to the entity.
See the example below of what I need to accomplish,
Accepted Answer
Hi Marius
Thank you for posting your question to the community.
Is Column B the Total of the displayed months or is it a FY23 total that is outside the displayed months?
If the former (and no other row totals are used), you can easily turn on row totals using the "Block Setting" of Actuals RC and then switch them to be displayed on the "left" side of the DataView in the Layout settings where the default is "Right":
If the latter, a trade-off between an additional Actuals RC block with Detail By FY, row totals on, with left-handed display like above (redundant display) on one hand and losing the Entity Formatting on the other hand might be necessary.
Best regards,
Filip Rankovic
Associate Consultant
Board Deutschland GmbH2
Hello @Marius Lubbe,
you can move blocks around your layout through drag&drop but entities by row are not a block.
You could shows Actuals in a dedicated dataview and position it on the left of the main one and coordinates scrollbar.
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Hi @Filip Rankovic and @Leone Scaburri,
Thank you for the above, this did work on the table where column B was a total.But because column B was supposed to be a seperate cube on its own in the spesific view that I had trouble with, I had to figure another way out.
I ended up positioning the entity in the data view after the first column and using the Template functionality to edit how the entity displayed. So now we still have one view but in a butterfly type view as seen below.
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