Can we change data through dataflow using RDB cubes?

TelDant Customer
Name Dropper First Comment Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board
edited October 2023 in Platform

Hi All, Thanks for reading my message.

I'm developing one dataflow, using RDB and MDB cubes, and I'm not able to change or update data into my RDB cubes.

However, I can make changes using a direct data entry.

Is it possible to use dataflow to delete, update or create rows into RDB cubes?

Thank you.


  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes

    Hi Telmo,

    Yes you can perform a dataflow from MDB to RDB cubes to update/insert/delete rows in the database.

    This is a known issue in previous versions of Board and has since been fixed from Board
