Procedure Visibility in Security

Just like Cube Visibility in Database Security, it would be meaningful to have the same security functionality for Procedures, where you can have Cubes that control Procedures that are possible to run.

It could also be applied to Data Reader (Visibility).

2 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Samir,

    I am wondering how this would be helpful. In Board, the procedure is always associated with an object on the screen, usually a label or part of a data view. If you intend to maintain a cube that would define procedure execution rights, you can easily use it to control the visibility of the object on the screen to which the procedure is associated. Alternatively, you can put the first step in the procedure to test user rights, show a message that the user does not have rights, and exit from the procedure. This would clearly send out the message to the user.

    Controlling procedure execution rights via the backend would cause more confusion as the end user would keep hitting the label to execute something that would never occur.

  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner
    100 Up Votes Second Anniversary 25 Likes Photogenic

    @Navan Mehra, you are absolutely right.

    That's how we set it up, and thinking of it, it's the better option.

    Thank you!