Level 200- module 205 - Bad gateway error

Hi all,

I had just completed the addition of a Label object to show the upload Timestamp. It didn't work on Friday but when I logged in on Saturday it worked. Then I made a change to the procedure to include "Get Back" on the "Yes' option for the upload label and then things started to get querky…work and then not work then I got the Bad Gateway error below:

I thought it might fix itself overnight but today same error.

Can someone advise how can we fix this so I can get back access to my training environment?




  • Hi Andrew,

    We are examining the error you reported and will get back to you with more information on the resolution as soon as possible.

    Thank you,


  • Thanks kristin…appreciate it…

  • works now…not sure what was the solution.

    But on Saturday I cleared the cache and that did not work then I deleted the cache and that did not work. I logged off and back on Sunday and still did not work. However, when i logged in on Monday it worked…and still working up to now…