Level 300, Module 302 : How do I get access to All the source files used in the entire application ?

mukesh.rathod Active Partner
First Anniversary First Comment

Hi Community,

I have started the Level 300 course from the Academy and I am building the application on my local host rather than the live training instance.

How can I get access to all the source(.csv) files used in this entire application?

The Files have not been provided in the zip file available during the training instance setup.




  • Hi Mukesh,

    We will provide you with a response regarding your requirement for the source files very shortly.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best wishes,


  • mukesh.rathod
    mukesh.rathod Active Partner
    First Anniversary First Comment

    Hi Snehal,

    That would be great.


  • Hi Mukesh,

    Thank you for your patience.

    The Level 200 and 300 developer courses have been designed to be completed on our Board Training Environment, for the most user-friendly learning experience. The course guides you to spin an instance that is using a Data Model and Capsule preset and has Cloud access to the files. Could you please let us know what is the reason that you would like to complete the course on your local host? Please keep in mind that this approach is not recommended as there could be differences between the course and your instance because you might be using a different version. The potential differences in versions will make it very difficult for us to support you and answer questions if you have them. That is why we recommend using the training environment provided in the course. 

    Thank you,

    Board Academy

  • Pandu
    Pandu Active Partner
    First Anniversary Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment

    hi Community,

    i also have the same problem with Mukesh,

    i have board on localhost because i have no access to the cloud and we install it in our server for training purposes/demo

    could you share the file source for 300

    Best Regards


  • Hi @Pandu,

    Please see the response from Kristin posted above. Could you please let us know what is the reason that you would like to complete the course on your local host?

    Many thanks,


  • Pandu
    Pandu Active Partner
    First Anniversary Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment

    hi @Snehal Barot

    its because as a partners we have no access to the cloud environment from the start, and we finish our 100 and 200 course on the localhost

    Best Regards