Announcing the Community Weekly Email Digest

Miran Saric
Miran Saric Employee
100 Likes Second Anniversary 10 Comments August Badge of the Month
edited April 2024 in Blog

The Board Community team is excited to announce the launch of the weekly email digest feature! The email digest feature automatically sends weekly email messages of "personalized content" to subscribers of categories and contains summaries of and links to top trending community posts (discussions, comments, questions, etc.) over the prior week.

To follow a category, opt-in to the digest, and customize your digest preferences, please follow these steps:

  1. To follow a Category, navigate to its page and click the bell icon > Follow Category.
    1. This action adds the Category to your Followed Content page, available from your profile.
  2. Upon following a Category (or when managing your followed Categories on the Followed Content page), you can decide whether to receive notifications about its content via its bell icon.
    1. Navigate to the category, click the bell icon, and check the Include in Email Digest option to add trending content from that category to your email digest. You can also be notified of new posts and comments via in-Community notifications and/or email by navigating to your profile> Account & Privacy Settings > Notification Preferences.

And that's it! The first digest will be sent on Thursday, April 11 and you'll receive the email digest every Thursday to the email address associated with your Board Community account. You'll be able to click into each of the posts within the digest to be taken directly to the Board Community and the posts themselves and you'll also be able to customize your digest and notification preferences from the email itself.

Be sure to follow more categories in order to stay up-to-date on all the latest and greatest activity happening in these spaces and let us know your thoughts on the digest in the comments section below!
