How to extract entities in code with cube extraction
I'm currently failing to reload the data because the input data in the cube is extracted with the description rather than the code. I think the problem could be solved if the data could be output in code.
I would like some advice as I am currently facing this issue and don't know how to resolve it.
I'm sorry that the screenshot is in Japanese and it's hard to understand. Please let me know if you have any additional information that would be helpful.
① In the attached data view, I designed the end user to display a description of the entity "メンバー(Member in Japanese)" and have them select and input data. The data type of the cube I am using for the data view is text.
②Then I extracted the cube to a text file.
③ I would like to read the text file with a data reader, read the 、メンバー entity (cell C3), and based on the result, write flag (1) in another cube with the メンバー entity on the axis (cell D6).
The problem is that in step ①, the user is asked to enter a description of メンバー entity, so the text file in ② outputs the description instead of the code of メンバー entity. As a result, an error occurs when loading the メンバー entity in step③ because there is no code.
I would like some knowledgeable people to help me.
Layout of the Dataview
Hello MSugiyama,
The main issue is that you don't have the the entity code in the text cube. I assume that the users are selecting the description from an entity in a pick list or dropdown. If that is the case then all you need to do is change the Data Entry configuration setting for the Suggested Values to "Code and Description". By doing that, the code and description will both be available in the dropdown and the users will populate the text cube with both the Code and Description. You will then be able to utilize the code in your data reader.
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Hello Msugiyama,
There is also a reference manual that could guide you through the extract action.
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