The Font Issue in DynaWrite in Version 12.5 and Lower

Wei Kong
Wei Kong Active Partner
Fourth Anniversary Board Developer Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board


I created a RTF cube and use date entry to edit it and use DynaWrite to display the content of the RTF cube, and it looks like the font for bullet point and numbering are different.

If you use bullet point, then the font is set to Time New Roman, and if you use numbering, then font is set to Open Sans which is the default font in Board 12.

I also noticed that Board 12.6 does not have this issue, so is this issue fixed in Board 12.6 or it is just anything else and nothing to do with Board 12.6? Thanks.


  • Hi Wei Kong,

    Thanks for your post. It looks like the issue you encountered has indeed been fixed in version 12.6 upwards.

    If you continue to to encounter any further issues with the Dynawrite object, please do raise them with the Board support team by submitting a case at The team will be happy to assist further from there.
