Error that table borders are not displayed

MSugiyama Active Partner
First Comment Name Dropper Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board

I have a problem where some of the borders on the left side of the data view I am creating are not visible. Please see the attached image for details.
The left border is not displayed for industries colored in yellow. In another data view with the same template and settings, the borders are displayed correctly.
For data views where borders are not displayed, I put ☑ in the Apply borders and cell templates when drilling down field, and set borders in the template as well.
I don't know if it's related to this problem, but entities that include yellow items have irregular hierarchies set up.

・Data view where borders are not displayed correctly

・Data view with borders displayed correctly



Someone please give me some advice.



Accepted Answer

  • MSugiyama
    MSugiyama Active Partner
    First Comment Name Dropper Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
    Answer ✓

    I was able to resolve this issue by increasing the width of the leftmost column and the border was displayed.