Quality of life improvements for charts

Bernhard Nöhreiter

Pretty sure there are some more points to improve within the chart component but here are 3 proposals to add, as we often see them as requirements in our projects. While it is possible to achieve the desired results with the existing toolset, it could be easier to implement and therefore also easier to explain to customer producers (e.g. in coaching).
- Native zero line: although there is kind of a workaround - adding a block with 0 to the layout and display it as line – it has an optical downfall, which is that the line is not getting displayed through the whole width of the chart but starts and ends in the middle of the first / last block. A setting to enable/disable a native zero line would be helpful
- Spacing between bars in cluster mode: if two (or more) bars are visualized they are always “stuck” together side by side. Based on the project requirements, a spacing should be created between the single bars. As a workaround it is possible to duplicate the chart object and set the positioning a little bit more to the right. This creates additional payload on the screen and increases maintenance efforts. Or you might add another block, but which has a fixed width and takes probably too much space. As an alternative the definition of the border color of a block could be extended to differentiate between (top, left, bottom, right) so you can set borders on the left and right– right now there is only the option to set a border in general, which would also create a spacing to the x-axis.
- Marker positioning for bars: based on the layout and chart definition/settings Board decides itself, where to put the marker (inside or outside of the bar). There are some workarounds (again creating duplicate objects with different configurations to match the default behaviour to the target design) with the same disadvantages as mentioned above. Additionally a native sum marker option for stacked graphs would be awesome!