How to update GCR version (1.0.2 vs 1.0.3)

1. Abstract
The goal of this document is to provide guidance on how to update Board GCR from GCR 1.0.2 to GCR 1.0.3. if you need to upgrade from previous GCR versions take Into account previously released guidelines.
2. Context
GCR version update is mostly managed through Board Data Model Transporter Package. below you will find guidance on how to use this tool with a specific focus on GCR solution.
3. Content
3.1 Preliminary Instructions
- In the GCR patch release package you will find the folder “Application Reset” and “Standard_Entities”.
Please take these two folders and replace them with the existing ones.
- In GCR patch release package you will find the folder “Capsule”. Replace existing capsules with the content of this folder, except GCR_Reporting if you have created custom Reporting screens.
- Download the relationship between movement and movement sub-group
- If you are using the Investment register and/or mark-up functionality extract the following cubes and store them or take notes of the values you have inserted in it:
- [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill Value in subsidiary currency
- [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill Value in parent currency
- [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill offset forced Amount
- [DE] - Investment register - conso output manual adj
- [DE] - Data Collection Mark-Up %
Data is available in:
- Process capsule, screen “Investment Register - Event details”
- Process capsule, screen “Investment Register – Manual Adjustments”
- Process capsule, screen “Investment Register - Force Conversion on Delta Goodwill Offset”
- Data Collection Capsule, screen “IC Mark-Up Group View”
3.2 Data Model Snapshot
- Go to “System Administrator” and click on “Data Model Snapshot”
- Click on “+ Snapshot” in order to create your Snapshot of GCR and GCR_Log Database and assign to the Snapshot a name as you prefer.
- In the same package release received, you will also find a snapshot version. Click on upload and select the snapshot provided in the package
3.3 Update GCR data model
The Core of the GCR solution is the GCR data model, so we will explain in detail how to update the GCR Database, The same approach can be used to migrate also the GC_LOG Database
In order to proceed, please select the 2 relative snapshots (The one provided by Board Team and the one created by You), After having selected them, please click on Transporter Package.
Please make sure that on the left as Source Snapshot you must have the one provided by Board, and on the right, as Target The snapshots created by you.
By default, the Transporter will take all the changes of the source Database and apply those to the target.
However, it may be that your Database has been customized in different ways. (For example, the use of some customizable cubes, entities, or Data reader or for example modification of max item number of entities).
One fundamental assumption in order to be eligible to use the transporter is to not have created any Data reader, Cubes, or Entities from scratch, but instead have used the available ones of the Data model that are named “Customizable”.
Having said that, before proceeding, unflag all “Customizable” cubes, Entities, and Data readers that have been modified compared to the standard version.
It is also advised to remove:
- all entities that have “update” as action
- all changes to items like formats and rules, which are not part of the standard product as per version 1.0.3
Click next, and you will find a check consistency button. Click on it.
The possible results of this check are:
- Success → If no errors are detected.
- Error → A possible case when the error appears is when the entity that has been unflagged is used in a cube.
- Warning → A possible case of Warning is when you are replacing a cube that already contains data.
The next step is to assign a name for this Transporter Package and decide if to flag or unflag the backup option. We warmly suggest keeping the backup option always flagged. Click Save in order to proceed.
You will find another screen with the list of all existing Transporter Packages. Consider only the one just created and click on Run in order to execute the update.
If everything works as expected, you will find the Last run log and the result as “Success”.
Please note that you may receive a warning message due to the several cubes for which the structure has been changed between the two different versions. You can proceed with the package, then make sure you follow the instructions here below.
The list of warnings may include the cubes: |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Source Custom E (Text) |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Target Custom B |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Target Custom C |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Target Custom E (Text) |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Target Custom A |
· [MTX] - Movement Group (Acc)-Movement with constants |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Target Custom E |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Target Custom D |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Source Custom B (Text) |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Source Custom D |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Source Custom C (Text) |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Source Custom C |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Source Custom A (Text) |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Source Custom E |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Source Custom A |
· [CALC] - Investment register - L04 local currency |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Target Custom C (Text) |
· [CALC] - Auto Adj Source Custom B |
· [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill Value in subsidiary currency |
· [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill Value in parent currency |
· [CALC] - Investment register - calculated Goodwill in parent Currency |
· [CALC] - Investment register - calculated Goodwill in subsidiary Currency |
· [CALC] - Investment register - conso output |
· [CALC] - Investment register - conso output YTD |
· [DE] - Investment register - conso output manual adj |
· [CALC] - Investment register - conso output final |
· [CALC] - Investment register - conso output final YTD |
· [CALC] - Investment register - conso output final YTD with movements |
· [CALC] - Investment register - L04 node currency |
· [CALC] - Investment register - L04 local currency no event\component |
· [CALC] - Investment register - L04 node currency no event\component |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Conso Node (Text) |
· [DE] - Auto Adj Layer (Text) |
Run the package and then refer to section 3.6 and 3.7 for accessory activities you have to perform when you incur in these warnings
3.4. Update GCR_LOG Database
Follow exactly the same process for the Update of the GCR_LOG Database. Of course, make sure to select the right Database.
3.5 Update Standard entities and Version
After completing the transporter package, clear the entity “movement sub-group”, open the capsule Admin and navigate to the screen “Quick Configuration Wizard”.
Click on “Update Version”.
This procedure will:
- Update the GCR version name;
- Update the element list for standard Entities
3.6 Update Admin settings
Due to enhancements in existing features, it is necessary to manually perform some activities related to the admin capsule settings:
- Insert once again the relationship between movements and movement sub group
- Run procedure “ADM - Reset standard Cubes”
- Run procedure “ADM - [MOV] - Set Cube for Massive DE - Adjustment Creation”
- If needed, Create a new account for the investment elimination liaison account (subsidiary side) this account has to be an Asset account.
- Map this account to tech account 060 - Investment elimination account (Subsidiary company)
- If needed, Create a new account for Minority split in P&L
- Map this account to tech account 020 – non-controlling interest
- If needed, create a new movement and map it to the movement sub-group “BLA Impact”
- If automatic adjustments have previously been configured, Run procedures “PRO - [AUTOADJ] - Update if the selection is All or empty” and “ADM - [AUTOADJ] - update version - fill time range when empty”.
3.7 Data to reload and other procedures to run
If investment register functionality is enabled and no manual data entry on goodwill or adjustments has been performed:
→ Click “Confirm all events” in the event list screen and “apply goodwill offset rates” in force conversion on the delta goodwill offset screen.
If investment register functionality is enabled and manual data entry on goodwill and/or adjustments has been performed:
→ Either
- temporarily setup some of your unused “customizable” data readers to reload data from these cubes
- [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill Value in subsidiary currency
- [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill Value in parent currency
- [DE] - Investment register - Goodwill offset forced Amount
- [DE] - Investment register - conso output manual adj - If you do, remember you need to add the entity conso node type to the extracted data
- Reperform data entry in the dedicated investment register screens
→ Click “Confirm all events” in the event list screen and “apply goodwill offset rates” in force conversion on the delta goodwill offset screen
If mark-up % has been entered:
→ Clear [DE] - Data Collection Mark-Up % cube
→ Either
- temporarily set up one of your unused “customizable” data readers to load data previously extracted from DE] - Data Collection Mark-Up % cube in [DE] - Data Collection Mark-Up reverse Input % cube. When you do, remember to invert the Reporting Unit entity with the IC and related parties entity
- insert again the mark-up % in the screen. Keep in mind that now the mark-up % is declared by the seller, so if you previously had company A with mark-up% vs Company B, now you have to put mark-up % on company B vs company A.
3.8 Update Database Security
Take GCR database provided in the standard package, rename it so that you don’t override your current GCR and incorporate it in your data model list. For cloud customers, create a new empty data model and restore it using the provided GCR. Go into database security, select all profiles and then download them with “Export”.
Go into your GCR and use “Import” to update your DB profiles.
After having completed successfully all those actions, you will be able to use the GCR application taking advantage of the fix and enhancements of the patch release.
Thanks @Andrea Lenzi for the insights.