Automatic Profile Security Update When Renaming Folders in Board

We propose that profile security should automatically update when changes are made to the platform. Specifically, when a capsule folder is renamed using the "Rename" option in Board, the system should reassign the folder's permissions to the new name across all user profiles that previously had access to it. This way, users will not lose access when a folder is renamed.
Why is this important?
Currently, if you rename a folder that users have access to, they will lose their ability to see it under the new name. The permission remains tied to the old folder name, meaning users can no longer access it unless you revert the folder's name back to the original.
What problem does this solve?
When reorganizing the structure of a capsule—such as renaming folders—we are currently forced to manually update all user profiles with access to that folder, just to ensure they retain their permissions. This is time-consuming and prone to error. Automating this process would streamline folder management and prevent unnecessary permission issues.