Board logs out automatically when inactive

Oliver Röll
Oliver Röll Customer
Fourth Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
edited September 9 in Platform


we are using Board version 12.6, revision 0.2.88217.
Board does not run in the cloud, but on our own server. We use IIS.

The following is stored in C:\Program Files\Board\Board Server\BoardEngineParams.xml:


This setting should ensure that Board-sessions are not automatically logged out.

However, in Chrome we have the problem that Board-sessions are automatically logged out when inactive. I don't have this problem in Firefox, but in Chrome I am logged out after an hour at the latest if I don't do anything in Board. It is possible that the session is logged out earlier, but after one hour you are logged out in any case.

I have already tried to enter the board URL in Chrome under "Always keep these websites active", but that didn't help.

Have any of you ever had the problem of being logged out of Board even though the EnableSessionExpiration is set to false?

Board users are of course now complaining that they always get kicked out of Board.

The appSettings.config looks like this:

<add key="host" value="" />
<add key="acceptedRedirectUris" value="," />

Is that correct, or do I need to adjust something here?

Do I also have to set https for acceptedRedirectUris?

Kind regards



  • Florian Deutsch
    Florian Deutsch Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes 10 Comments Name Dropper

    I've encountered the same issue after upgrading from 12.5.

    Resolution was to explicitly set the Board URL in my IIS site binding:

  • Thanks for the tip, but we have already configured this.

  • Florian Deutsch
    Florian Deutsch Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes 10 Comments Name Dropper

    Is this the only binding for this site? I have also had issues when the site had more than one binding.

    If not, perhaps Board*.log (App_Data\log) may give you more information.

    There was a Bugfix/Patch release in 08/2023 regarding timeouts as well. I'm not sure about the version number back then but maybe your version is older than that and does not contain the bugfix?

  • Yes, this is the only binding for the Board website.

    We installed the last update at the end of October 2023. The bugfix from August 2023 should therefore have been installed.

  • Hi,

    Any suggestion on this as our user experienced random logs offs as well.

    They were using Edge.

    Checked our setting as well no timeout enabled and only one site bind.