B14 - Reset Selection to Screen default

Björn Reuber
Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers


with b14 a change was introduced, that the selection is not reseted to screen default, when switching from User View to Dev mode.

  • Screen design. Makers and end users can quickly switch between Design and Play mode and can do so with a Selection continuously applied rather than being reset. Enjoy faster development and easier debugging with the new Screen design features

In most cases this is very useful. But in some cases (when for example the screen has an OnOpenTrigger) it might be useful to have an option to easily restore the "Default" selection of an screen, so you can apply changes to the screen, without saviing a "wrong" selection.

Maybe this can be added as a new feature in a future release



21 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • I fully agree.

    We recently experienced quite some confusion, as we were making broad changes across screens, and noticed that the selections were different and lost in many of the screens. It took quite some time to trace it back to this issue. Our devs were inadvertently erasing/overwriting the dynamic selections on the screens, simply because they had switched from play to design mode, after having selected an org unit with a selector. There was no hint to the team members that this was happening.

    If Board could detect that new selections have come from the switch from play to design mode, and ask when saving if these should be saved or discarded, that would be a big help.

    Of course it is convenient that you can seamlessly switch between the two modes. So thanks for that, and good job! The problem is how easy it is to overwrite important selection settings without knowing you are doing it.

    Thankfully this hasn't affected production, but it is definitely possible that we bring screens over that will be broken for end-users.