exchange cube on premise

Hi everyone,

My colleague and I are currently trying to modify the same data model on our respective PCs on premise.

How can we exchange data cubes once we create one?

(i don't want to send every time all the database)

Thank you!


Accepted Answers

  • andreaLin....
    andreaLin.... Active Partner
    Board Advanced Developer Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment
    Answer ✓

    Hi Sunny,

    We're creating a lot of empty cubes (not metadata), and I'd like to exchange them with my colleague. However, I'm concerned there might be a conflict due to the cube code (e.g., v0001).

    Is extracting all the cubes the only thing I can do?

  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes
    Answer ✓

    Hi @andreaLin.... ,

    Metadata is the structure of the datamodel which includes entities, cubes, procedures, etc..

    If its empty cubes that you want to exchange, the transporter lets you transport those changes. But in your case if both you and your colleague are creating the empty cubes and the different cubes have same internal id in the 2 data models then the transporter would replace the destination datamodel with the cubes created in the source datamodel thus overwriting the cube created in destination data model.

    Even with extract all cubes and reload all cubes option if the cube internal id is same for 2 different cubes in the two datamodels then the new cube will not be be created in the destination data model where the cubes are being reloaded to.

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes
    Answer ✓

    Hi @andreaLin.... ,

    to overcome the behaviour Sunny mentioned, you could also take the following approach:

    1. Create a new Database as the one you both will be developing in
    2. Create a range of dummy cubes (and other database structures) you will later on be modifying separately
    3. Agree on who will change the dummies in which number range—and keep to that agreement
    4. Each of you will get the created database and will only work in the agreed number range

    Any changes either one of you will perform can be transported to the other one's database using the ALM.

    Keep in mind that this procedure needs to be adapted for entities, relationships, datareaders, procedures, etc., too.

    So, this could be a possibility, though cumbersome and with the need to be followed exactly.



  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes

    Hi @andreaLin.... ,

    Do you want to just exchange the metadata or the whole cube data?

    If its just the metadata, you can use the data model transporter to move the changes.

    If its the data within the cubes, then you can extract all cubes to a common folder and restore the cubes via the "reload all cubes" step in the procedure.