Native User Entity/Dimension

Rob Active Partner
Board Developer 5 Up Votes Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board


It would be great to have a native database entity containing a member for all licensed users within the data model - to be exclusively used for cubes containing user selections that can be dynamically applied/passed through screens.

Current Situation

Currently you can create a custom User Entity and use the 'Select User = @User '. This works in many ways until you have an admin users that may need to apply security across the members of this Entity, to do this they will not have the script active for their user. If they also need to work within the platform this means they cannot take advantage of having their own User Member slice.

You can create a new User2 Entity where everyone has the 'Select User2 = @User ' script however there is an issue with this.

As everyone is restricted to their User2 Entity Member if this Entity is cleared - it locks everyone out of the DB fully. No-one can access the DB as the script fails even for the admin/developer users including;

i) Accessing Database Security to remove the script

ii) Accessing Entities to add your user in as a member.

2 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated