Refresh Data Procedure Step should also work for the Flexgrid object

Thomas Kreis
Thomas Kreis Employee
Fifth Anniversary 25 Up Votes Name Dropper Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
edited January 29 in Idea Exchange

With the Flexgrid Object it is possible to show many rows, columns, groups etc.

Therefore it is designed to create tables showing large amount of data. In almost every case it is necessary to scroll or to close enhanced groupings:

Unfortunately the scrolling position and the grouping is lost, as soon as the screen is refreshed. Even using the newly added "Refresh data" step leads to a reset of current grouping and scrolling position.

So my simple Idea is:

Refresh Data procedure step should also work for the Flexgrid object, just like it works for the Dataview object.

13 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Remo Bollhalder
    Remo Bollhalder Employee
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes 5 Answers 10 Comments
    edited January 29

    Fantastic idea, thank you Thomas

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    250 Likes 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Hi @Thomas Kreis , thank you for bringing this to our attention! This feature has been released and should be working as expected.

    To help us investigate further, could you please open a support ticket? This will allow our team to look into the issue and resolve it promptly. Thank you!

  • Hi @Product Management Team

    thanks for the answer. I already did open a support ticket with the ID 00141225.

    Unfortunately, it is not considered a bug. Therefore I opened this idea.

    Best regards
