Expanding a column for a drilled Data View

gmaiolico Active Partner
Board Advanced Developer Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment

Hi all, after drilling in the main Data View, I'm left with another Data View that has an "collapsed" column (screenshots below)

If i manually expand the column and then save, once i go out the layout the column remain half hidden. I don't seem to find any option in the settings to expand the first column.
How can i make the column fully visible?



Accepted Answer

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes
    Answer ✓

    Hi @gmaiolico ,

    usually, the drill windows' column widths are inherited from the main dataview.
    I'd try to set the columns in the main dataview to be a bit broader and check again.
    Do you have any columns in the main dataview set a very small width?

    If the issue persists I'd advise you to open a ticket with our support.



  • gmaiolico
    gmaiolico Active Partner
    Board Advanced Developer Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment
    edited February 11

    Hi Helmut, this solution helped to solve the question. Thank you so much!