Quick layout : option to include automatically all relevant dimensions

Pain point: currently, configuring the quick layout function requires activating it on the layout, then adding all relevant entities.
When a new entity is added to the data model, we need to go in all relevant reports, and add it manually in the quick layout setup. It takes times and it means very often we have consistency gaps from one layout / report to the other regarding the number of entities offered to the user in the quick layout. Our users complain regularly "why don't I have this entity available in this report ?".
Idea: include an option for the quick layout to include automatically all relevant parent entities for the layout. Knowing the blocks setup, we already have filters in the entities available "by row" when opening the layout builder itself. From there, it's only a small step to make all these entities available in the rows/column option automatically.
Benefits: greater consistency in the navigation axis available, and less maintenance work on reporting application.