Dynamic Block Headings


our users want the block heading to be dynamic. Is there any way I can go about changing a block heading through procedure or dynamically based on conditions and/or selection? 

For example what we often see is, the user will select 2015 to compare to 2017 side by side. They want the block heading rather than being Base Year and (name of the month) to be the selected year and the name of month.

I’ve tried adding a month column to the data view and that sadly does not work quite how I’d like it to.


If you have a better insight on how I may go about this it would be greatly appreciated!


Accepted Answer

  • Unknown
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    have you already tried to change the Block name on your dataview using a substitution formula?
    You can find more information about the substitution formulae here:
    Substitution formulas 

    Best regards,



  • Thanks Michele Roscelli,

    that was really helpful!! i will also tell this trick to my colleagues, they will use it in other applications as well



  • dirk magerkord
    dirk magerkord Customer
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
    edited March 2020

    Online Help says:


    The @Selection Script is definitively the most popular substitution formal and includes several  parameters to customize the  final output. Such Script can be used in any Label or Button Caption, Title or Block Heading.


    I'm still struggling with substitution formulas here.
    In labels this works well, in blockheadings unfortunately not at all! (See screenshot)



    Did I miss something? Is there a special block-heading syntax; -)


    Need your advice!



  • Hi Dirk, it looks like you have a semicolon instead of a comma between the two arguments, I believe it needs to be a comma. Give that a try and see how you get on.


    Kind Regards,


  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    You can also use procedures to update specific blocks to show specific selection values. This is handy to show comparisons 

  • Hi, Robert,
    of course you're right with your remark that there is a semicolon instead of a comma in the screenshot.
    However, this was just another attempt to achieve the desired result. Meanwhile I have exhausted all possibilities of punctuation marks. I'm still just as smart as I was before.


    IT SIMPLY DOESN' T WORK, EGAL WHAT I TUE (at least in the DataView)

  • Alexander Kappes
    Alexander Kappes Employee
    Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers
    edited March 2020

    Dear Mr dirk magerkord,


    @Sleection_ex isn´t supported for Block Title of Layout:


    Alternate, when you use Refer-To Selections for your Block you can use @Selection in the Block Title.


    Executing the Layout you will see the Block Selection in the Column Header.


    With the @Selection_ex you are able for example to catch the block selection from Layout Object and publish this inside Label.


    Hope it helps.




    Alexander Kappes

  • Hello,


    I have the same problem. I will have a dynamic selection in the layout title or/and in the block heading. E.g. "@user" works in the layout title but not in the block heading. "@year" doesn't work neither in layout nor in block. "@currency" works in layout but not in block... Has someone any idea?

    Thank you and best regards.

  • Dear mattu h,


    for the Layout title the @Selection is working, it will show the total Screen Selection.


    for the Block Headings you can also use @Selection, but it´s only working when you are using Block Selection (Refer To).


    Like mentioned from Michele Roscelli you can use the Substitution Formulars and e.G. build up the wished effect into label.


    Alternate the Block Selections can be changed dynamical using "Apply Selection to Layout Block" Procedure Step, but for that you need procedure which pushes the selection into the blocks.


    At the moment we don´t have other opportunities show "dynamic" Block Headers.


    Hope it helps




    Alexander Kappes