Load daily data in a cube structured by a more aggregate time entity



How do I load daily data (e.g. date format is 'YYYYMMDD')  into a BOARD Infocube which is structured by a higher level time dimension (e.g. month)? Is it possible? Should i apply an ETL?


Thanks and regards


Accepted Answer

  • Unknown
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi there,

    BOARD comes with an automatic feature that compiles the SQL statement for you when configuring datareaders using ODBC drivers.

    If you want to load daily data into an InfoCube structured by month, you can map the day field to the BOARD Month entity. BOARD will automatically aggregate the information at monthly level thanks to the native BOARD time hierarchy.


    The date field that you load from your data source must be in a compatible format for the BOARD Day entity. For example, if you have an Access table with a field called, "Date" and this field is of data type "Date", then this format is not compatible with BOARD. You should use a conversion formula to convert the Microsoft date format into text , such as the following: format$(table.field,'YYYYMMDD')

    Hope this helps




  • Thank you very much Michele Roscelli!

    I'll try it straight away.

    Does it work for any time element which is also existing in the BOARD database time hierarchy? Can i load weekly data into monthly cubes and/or monthly data into a cube structured by year?



  • Hi,

    yes, this feature works across the time dimension based on the logical relationships - you can check the Time hierarchy tree in a selection window if you are unsure about it!
