bubble chart object: what is the meaning of X and Y Positions?


Could someone explain the meaning of X and Y Positions in the settings of a bubble chart object ? What are they for ? what happens if I set X position = 1000 and Y position = -25 ?



the help.board.com doesn't explain it.


Thank you very much !


Accepted Answer

  • Unknown
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi interested typ this is the position of the axis lines themselves on the scale.  So below I have chosen 0 and 0 - the default, but if I choose 25000 for the X axis then the black horizontal line for the X axis moves up.


    Similarly, if I choose 25 for the Y axis the vertical black line moves to the right.


    Hope this helps.


  • Previous Member
    edited March 2020

    Hi Phil Marshall and thank you for the explanation. Now I understand.

    So, setting these parameters are only a good idea when the bubble chart is 100% static. In all other cases, setting the parameters to some values to "shift" the Axis away from an automatic value involves:

    • no use of rubber band
    • no use of dynamic selection through pager or selectors on the screen
    • not usable when the user security profile slices the data displayed on the bubble chart

    because these 3 cases change the values displayed on the chart...


    I was hoping to be able to create this kind of chart in BOARD (by moving the Y axis on the maximum left and the X axis on the maximum bottom):


    Since I cannot predict the values for Y and X axis in advance, I cannot use the X and Y position parameters for my purpose...