Using selector on dataview with a refer-to


In dataviews where I have used a refer-to to create a sub-selection of a cube (in my example, I'm using a cube of revenue and have a reference for payment method as I want to exclude certain payment methods from my analysis), when I apply a screen selection the column with the refer-to does not have the screen selection applied to it, and continues to show the same number.


Does anyone know of a way to make this work so that I can apply both at once?



  • Hi,

    do you have a screen selection in the same hierarchie as your refer-to?


    If so, one solution is to write the revenues for your referred payment method in an extra cube and use this one in the layout. By doing this you do not need the refer to anymore and your screen selection will work as usual.



  • Daniele Di Lorenzo

    the refer-to function is the "most powerful" select function and always ignore other settings (select, layout selecton..." in the same entity/tree.


    From the manual: "Allows referring the data block to a specific entity occurrence, overriding the screen selection (Select) and the axes setting."


    Idea for your case: create  a cube populated with the data of the selection set with the "refer to". Using this distinct cube you will see only the data for the selected payment but at the same time the selection is not "locked" and  you can narrow it


    Hope this helps

  • as I want to exclude certain payment methods from my analysis

    do you want to see the excluded payment methods within the very same table object (i.e. same Layout), in another block ?

    If not, then you could use the layout-specific Select function (choose option "Keep", not option "To", to keep the layount reactive to the screen selection) to display the payment methods you don't' want to exclude of your analysis.

  • Thank you all, that's really helpful to better understand the differences between Dataview Select and Refer-To.  I'll avoid Refer-To's in future on any screen with a Selector!

  • Daniele Di Lorenzo

    Hi Victoria Walton


    please note that refer-to option is useful in many cases , when I want to fix the figures in a column.

    And using an entity dynamically updated this function can become "more flexible".


    Since the "refer to" is not "visible" I usually write the ref to applied in the label of the block (e.g. "Sales ref to 2017"), so I (and all the users) can see the evidence of the settings.