Date-time to be shown in label with a different time-zone. Ideas?

Hi everybody,


I would like to show in a label the current date (@date) and the current time minus 1 hour.

That's why Board server is running in italian time, I would like to show in the label the UK-time.


I've done it with a very complex  nexel 

Is there someone with a smarter idea?


Thank you,




Tags: dates and time datetime time calculation timezone



  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments
    edited March 2020

    Not a smart idea , but maybe use viewer objectimage  on a Url like this

  • Zoltán Csorba
    Zoltán Csorba Employee
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper First Answer
    edited March 2020

    Hi Edoardo,


    Nexel is very powerful and can be a solution for this need.

    You can also try to:

    1. create a text cube, that is structured by a dummy entity.

    2. dataflow @Time to this cube

    3. extract this cube

    4. create an ascii reader from the extract to the cube created in step 1 and apply ETL, that is reducing the hour value by 1

    5. chain these actions into a procedure with a screen refresh at the end and your done



  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments


    I'm wondering : what will happen if you have 60+ users opening this screen at about the same time with that solution? Won't it queue up the procedure? And therefor users be stuck a few second before data are refreshed?


    Moreover,  Date won't match around midnight

