Can we open multiple screens at the same time while we opening any Capsule ?!
Hello there,
I am just curious to know that is there any possibility to open Multiple screens at the same time while opening any capsule,
what currently i am facing is while i open any capsule i am just able to see one screen , what i want to do is to get 3 screens open when i open any capsule ( I am aware about containers and action button but i am looking for other way, i do not want it to open through links, i am looking for simple way, like i open my capsule and see three screens open along),
looking for help and suggestions,
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Malav Shelat,
you could achieve this with an "on-open"-Trigger in the screen you've defined as "home". This trigger procedure could open the desired screens--in a new tab.
But I wouldn't recommend this as the screens will have to be rendered which will take time opening. Another downturn of this is that many customers have popup-blockers installed on their systems--that would prevent those additional screens to open.
But, you could if you would...
Kind Regards,
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Hello Helmut Heimann
Yes that would exactly work the way i want, also i was unaware of this downturn as well, I completely agree with you on this.
Thank you so much for your help, i truly appreciate it,