Combing data from two Entity Trees

Robbin van Wijk
Robbin van Wijk Active Partner
Fourth Anniversary Board Developer First Comment
edited April 2020 in Platform

I use board 10.5 + webclient. 


I have data in Cube X that I need to transfer to Cube Y. 
Entity Costcenter - Root level has 450 entities that match to 50 entities in Employee - Costcenter.
I use a Select in the dataflow for the PL account to only write in 1 certain account in the PL. 


When I know excute the dataflow the data gets multiplied by 22, And instead of putting it on the matching entitie. It will put the outcome on all entities. 


How can I avoid this?

















  • Hi Robbin vw,


    if I understand you right you have a cube x structered by Employee and a cube y structered by Costcenter-Root Level and P&L account-Root Level. 

    If you now select one P&L account and do the dataflow from cube x to cube y you get the sum of cube x on all Costcenter-Root Level on the selected P&L account.

    The missing link is the connection between the structure employee and structure Costcenter. You need a cube where you set this connection. This cube z can be structured by Costcenter-Root Level and Employee-Costcenter. Then you set a 1 for every matching pair of the two entities in this cube z.

    Additionally you need a tmp-cube structured by Costcenter-Root Level, P&L account Root-Level and Employee-Costcenter. In a dataflow all source cubes will align to the target cube before calculating and if a stucture is missing you get the sum of the source.


    So your first dataflow is:

    tmp-cube = cube x * cube z


    The second is:

    cube y = tmp-cube


    At the end clear the tmp-cube. That´s it.


    Hope it helps


  • Thank you for the solution!